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©Seth F.Weaver,Sr. 05/21/09. A bitter woman consumed with rage over some wrong she feels she had endured. As the rage grows it consumes her life and soon her very existence. Leaving her alone and abandoned from within with anger for all that might assume to try and take the "nothing" that she has left. Alone and friendless from her isolation, she wonders why no one likes her, it is she that doesn't like herself. A Compullage™ work.


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monique cooper 01 Jun 2009

Oh yeah.. One of my favs definitly!!

Artist Reply: Much appreciated Nikki.

Vanessa Holmstrand 26 May 2009

Very nice work, Dad.

Artist Reply: Thank you Nessa for your kind words on this work.

jamie winter 23 May 2009

very well dont Seth. love the rage effect with the colors

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Jamie for your always appreciated comments.

Robin Foss 23 May 2009

Very well done.

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Robin.

Kovács János 23 May 2009

fantastic work!

Artist Reply: Thanks Jacsi!

Jan van Baarle 23 May 2009

My POTD Seth!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much my friend for this honor. Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Anneke Hut 23 May 2009

What a sad story, I pity her. You have rendered the rage so well with the vibrant colours, Seth.

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Anneke that was what I was trying to convey. Have a Great Day!

Sharon Gonzalez 22 May 2009


Artist Reply: Always appreciated Sharon.

Armando Salas 22 May 2009

Brilliant rendition that fits perfectly with the words. A work of art and a statement also.

Artist Reply: Armando, my friend, I really appreciate your kind words on this work.

jerry carlin 22 May 2009

True story and fantastic rendition to go with it!

Artist Reply: Hi, Jerry it is so nice to meet you on the AW. Thank you so much for your comment.

ruth sears 22 May 2009


Artist Reply: Thank you so much Ruth.