• Tahnja Wolter
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  • Added 14 Sep 2008
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Tahnja Step 10&11

Step 10 & 11. I have added light yellow tones to the skin opposite the areas of direct cool light.

I've deepened the lilac shades of colour. This is where it gets a little complicated. The lilac areas are where the light source is reflecting off the side planes of the face and therefore they are cool in tone.

I've added some very light touches of crimson mixed with a touch of raw umber to the darkest areas of the outsides of the cheek, the shadow under and along the nose and under the chin and the shadow areas of the ear. I've also started detailing the eyes with eyeshadow and lashes and detailed the eyebrows.

I have continued to use short, brisk strokes with a round brush for detailing and deepening the areas of colour. I soften hard edges of paint with my finger as I find this is the quickest way to work because acrylic paint dries so fast.

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Renata Cavanaugh 16 Sep 2008

Looks awesome

Francis Rivera 15 Sep 2008

OMG! I want to paint now! Very beautiful! ^_^

Anonymous Guest 15 Sep 2008


monique cooper 15 Sep 2008

lovely and lovelier ever step you take!

Seth Weaver 15 Sep 2008

Superb modeling, Tahnja.