• Steve Farr
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  • Image 139 of 230
  • Added 07 May 2008
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Believe it or not, yet another "mermaid" sighting! I was fortunate enough to capture this one as she was relaxing at the bottom of the sea, hence the title "UnderTheDeepBlue"!!I feel I've been pretty lucky! Most people go through life never encountering these sea beauties!!LOL! I sketched this about a week ago, then colored her on the computer!I will be posting the pen and ink version on here soon! Hope you like and thanks for viewing!! ~S


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 31 Jan 2010

Awesome work. The color combinations are just incredible. Sly



Artist Reply: Hello Taquita! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!! Take care!! ~S


Great work with wonderful detail and amazing colors . Thanks for sharing . ~ jennifer kessell

Artist Reply: Hey thanks Jennifer!! I really appreciate the nice comments!! ~S

Leticia Rivera-Uttich 23 Oct 2008

Steve, I LOVE the colors on this one. Very cool. :)

Armando Salas 15 Sep 2008

Beautiful mermaid. Very detailed work; you've a lot of patience.

Artist Reply: Hey thanks, Armando! I really appreciate the nice comments on my work! Take care!! ~S

Jessica Xu 12 Jun 2008


Kathryn Arruda 03 Jun 2008

Beautifully detailed work, really nice flowing quality to her hair and tail. Very enchanting art!

Olga van Dijk 30 May 2008

Oh my gosh Steve, your mermaids are so beautiful..... Great piece of artwork my friend...

Katerina Koukiotis 30 May 2008

i love mermaids and i love the colors in this one and especially all the details on the tail!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Katerina! I had gobs of fun with this one!!~S

Joanna Jungjohann 28 May 2008

totally rockin, steve, beautifully designed and colored work, masterpiece of awesome artwork!!!!!!!! congrats on pic today!

Ginger Lovellette 24 May 2008

Awesome, Steve!

Loredana 24 May 2008

Hi Steve Your work is as awesome as ever :)

Artist Reply: Hey thanks my friend!! Its good to see your comments again!! Take care!! ~S

ron sargent 21 May 2008


Artist Reply: Hey Ron, thanks for the Luv!! Take care!! ~S

Anonymous Guest 20 May 2008


Carla Klosowski 19 May 2008

Very coool! Wonderful work!!! Great combination of colors!! ^__^ Take care my friend! All the best! :)

Leo Da's Artistic Promotions 15 May 2008

This is cool, Steve! Hands Down;)

Artist Reply: Thank you very kindly, sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar!! ~S

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 13 May 2008

fantastic work!!!!!

Artist Reply: Hey, thanks so much Nelly!! Take care!! ~S

DAVID OLSEN 13 May 2008

Original and skillfully done Steve!

Gabrielle Stahlie 11 May 2008

I like you mermaid very much, you never encounter a merman on the beach? It is a pity! But she is breathtaking beautiful!

Francis Rivera 10 May 2008

This is very lovely! She's beautiful! ^_^

Hiromi Green 10 May 2008

Wow! Steve you are so creative! Wonderful Mermaid! Yes you have been lucky to see so many!:-)

Anonymous Guest 09 May 2008

AWESOME work! I love the angle and perspective the shimmering scales and the flowing hair are great!

Ann Howard 09 May 2008

Enchanted mermaid. I love the flow of her hair and tail. The whole painting is very well balanced. Fantastic work!!

Anonymous Guest 09 May 2008


Nira Dabush 09 May 2008

Fantastic unique colour use ,Steve... lol to your text.. superb creativity.

Artist Reply: Oh my, Nira! You actually read my text? I thought people never read those things, LOL!! Thanks so much my friend!! ~S

Mary Janosik 09 May 2008

Love this one, Steve!! I like the balance of the hair and tail and great colors!! Great capture, you lucky guy!!

Barry Huyett 09 May 2008

like the deep blue....well done!

Chas Sinklier 08 May 2008

Anovfa Mermaid - you gotta get away Steve - I'm guessing the beach would be a good place to go - too far for the Great Barrier Reef - maybe somfin closer would do - though most mermaids swim farther north in Asian waters by my experience - good chance to go troppo - ha! avagoodunSF ~:0)

Artist Reply: Wow, Chas!! You are so right!! I really do need to get away!! My life is so stressful! Who knows, soon instead of mermaids, I may begin to see large pterodactyls flying around!! LOL! Thanks for the great advice, sir!!! ~S

Nadia Coetzee 08 May 2008

So beautiful Steve. I love the colours you used.

Carliss Mora 08 May 2008

How nice, Steve! Love the colors, and it seems you captures her unawares. Super great work, Steve!

Artist Reply: Hello Carliss!! Its always great to hear from you, my friend!! Thanks a bunch for the wonderful comments! Glad you like my mermaid!! She was fun to do!! Have a great one!! ~S

Hui Zhu 08 May 2008

outsatnding work steve ^_*

Alberto D'Assumpcao 08 May 2008

Splendid work Steve!!!

Renata Cavanaugh 07 May 2008

You are lucky indeed. Excellent work Steve.

Sara Deutsch 07 May 2008

Stunning image, Steve..great detail and dramatic color.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Sara!! I really appreciate your insightful comments!! They are encouraging!! Take care!! ~S

monique cooper 07 May 2008

she's a beaut!!.. and what a tail!!!!.. LOLOL.. great work Hun!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Nikki!!! I had fun on the tail, can't you tell?!!!!LOL!! ~S

Cathy Holford 07 May 2008

Gorgeous Steve. The colors so rock!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Cathy!! You rock!!! ~S

Emily Reed 07 May 2008


Lawrence Hickman 07 May 2008

fantasically done great job, awsome

Chris Roukema 07 May 2008

Excellent, Steve!

Artist Reply: Your comments are encouraging as well as much appreciated, Chris!! Take care!! ~S

Michael Easter 07 May 2008

Fantastic, I love the golden locks of curls.

jamie winter 07 May 2008

wow Steve this is awesome work. incredible i see my grandson found it. wow

Artist Reply: Well Jamie, I'm glad your grandson found it!! I'm also glad you both like my mermaid! It means a lot!! Take care!!~S

Sharon Gonzalez 07 May 2008

Well done, Steve!!! Love the colors!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much, Sharon!! I appreciate it!! Take care!! ~S

Dan Falk 07 May 2008

awesome mr. Farr.

Artist Reply: Hello Dan! Thanks you so much for the comments!! Take care!! ~S

Barbara Giordano 07 May 2008

I love mermaids and this one is very nice.