• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 02 Nov 2007
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ROSITA TAUGHT ME TO DANCE written by MICHAEL (MIGUEL) FORBUS paintography and photography by MICHAEL FORBUS ROSITA TAUGHT ME TO DANCE WRITTEN BY MIGUEL When I was a young man, before I knew love of a woman I was thrown from my young stallion and suddenly blood spurted from my legs and blindingly white bones shone in the bright sun. I was quite the rider and rode bareback and won many a race against better steeds but no young man could talk to the horse as I could, I would talk as I leaned forward and urge the steed on and told him of the tales of mercury and how the wings caught the wind and won against all manner of steed, be they swift or full of magic. I would tell them of how our chains of poverty were falling away as we raced and gold coins were raining on our heads as we became one with the wind and we would live in a large hacienda, with room for all the children and my secret love, Rosita, of the Ballet Folklorico de le Vera Cruz. She was the youngest Prima dancer in all of the troupes and was famous through out all of old Mexico. She was young as I and I thought that by racing my stallion, I could win enough pesos to marry her though it might take years, but every year a few more pesos would go to the box under the bed and most to feed our family as papacito was too old and could not bend to the ground as he did as a strong young man. I was the man of the casa, and had the respect of my familia. My mother had gone to the ancestors after wearing her body out feeding and bearing so many children. Every year a handful of pesos would buy the tickets so that I might see Rosita dance in our pueblito. We all would attend as if in the church. She would whirl and spin and make rhythms with her hands and feet that hypnotized me. Myself and all others that watched enraptured by her young beauty. Her smile was the sun and her eyes seemed to meet mine every dance. She remembered me from years of sitting in the front. I clapped so loud, shy as I was. She always would smile at me. I could barely look in her eyes. Soon we would talk after the dance and she would walk with me in el centro for a round or two and a liquado. Then she would fly off like the dove with her family, her wealthy family, back to Vera Cruz and on to more shows. As for my legs, they were fractured like limbs of a mesquite would splinter in the high wind. My papacito called the brujo and begged her to help me. I was falling into a coma, a dream in which the pain left me with dreams of Rosita and I no longer had splintered bones but I danced with Rosita in the Ballet Folklorico in blinding white pantolones and comisa, my muscles as ropes and I would twirl her like a feather about the floor and the brujo was applying a tar to my legs and the men were pulling me by the ankles and under my chest. Soon the strongest men in the pueblo had pulled my splintered legs apart stretching my skin and the blood everywhere as if liquid roses soaked the bed, but the cup I drank from the brujo took me to another land, with Rosita and she was showing me to dance and new dances from Mexico city. As I danced my legs seem to fit together and like a puzzle the bruja directed the strongest men to hold me down but I did not struggle. I was dancing slowly with my Rosita and she whispered encouraging words to me right in my ear as I did the stallion. It was many turns of the moon before I woke from the coma and she kept me from dreaming bad dreams with the strong herbs she helped me sip. I almost was happy but for the pain. When she finally let me wake, my father was gone to my mother and I had to take charge of the house and learn to walk again. My hermanos would take me day and night and always keep me from the stable where my stallion still would fret from not being ridden by me, but all were afraid and now my box was empty and the Ballet Folklorico was again coming to town. I was but a cripple, and head of a family. But our family was so respected, that magical baskets of vegetables and fruit would appear for my familia. Days before the ballet and Rosita’s appearance, the rains of summer came and settled the dust and the heat was sufferable. I soon realized in tears in my hammock at night what I was now and I shook with chills and pain in my insides for my legs were bent and crooked like an old tree and my stallion had gone wild and not fit to ride and my saddle I had won with the silver conchos needed the soap and caring for. My box of hope for Rosita and I was empty. The day they arrived to set up for the ballet, Rosita’s father came to our casa and asked to see the stallion as he had heard the story. He talked to me as a man and soon my box was refilled and he had taken the stallion with many men to hold him from leaping to the sky. He and I knew we would never see each other again. Just as I knew I would never dance with Rosita in my life. Tonight was the last night I would see her. I took an extra cup of the brujo’s thick liquid and the boys carried me to the wagon. They carried me to the front of the tent and we soon heard the mariachi’s strike up the tuning and soon there she was and she had grown to a woman and more beautiful. As the thick liquid hit my stomach and then my head I was suddenly on the stage with her and she was teaching me new dances she had learned in the capital. She danced like a feather in my arms and her lips brushed mine more then once and my legs straightened and my back no longer bent from pain was straight and rigid and I could make the rhythm with my boots and we became the most magnificent couple the ballet have had dance for the company. I had worn my blindingly white peasant outfit with the woven sash and looked quite handsome as I sat there transformed as in a dream. Soon the curtain fell, as did the tears, burning my eyes, my face and my soul. Rosita would take the bows and she would be gone like my stallion, like my hopes…. As I lay here today in the hammock and my gnarled legs no longer can feel, but the pesos from the stallion, now gone with the father of Rosita, fed us and the boys carried me to take care of my personal business and we survived. The brujo would stop ever week or so and give to me the thick liquid, stronger by the week and I would fall into a dream and Rosita was there and she taught me more dances and as I became more and more reliant on the bruja, the tears fell less until my memories of that were gone, as was the pain in my useless legs and my unused heart and I began to feel nothing, a hole where my heart was. Although many nights I would wake with a start and call out for the boys to fetch my saddle for I would race tomorrow and it needed the soap and the sweat would pour and I could not remember my dreams any longer. Sometimes in the distance I would hear the mariachis and I would remember something, a small thing and my heart would beat fast, but I could never recall what it was. WRITTEN BY Michael (Miguel) Forbus


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 15 May 2014

Wpw. Very powerful story.

Sherry Weisel 09 Nov 2007

This is a beautiful and colorful picture ... she really looks like she is having fun ;) Sherry

Artist Reply: Sherry, I had a brief look at your site and you do great work. Love the purple coneflower, (echinacea) it looks like. Thanks so much for your kind comments and encouragement. Have you ever seen the Ballet Floklorico de Mexico. Brilliant production. All the native folk dances of the area and sometimes of the whole country depending on the production. I just love it. All ages participate and the music is wonderful. Thanks again for your observations of my work. I have you clicked on my Favorites so I will see all your new work. Again, My gratitude. Michael

CowGirlZen Artworks 08 Nov 2007

beautiful strong and colorful imagery

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much for your very kind comments and observations. You are very kind and generous. My appreciation for your comments. Michael

marisa reilly 05 Nov 2007

so colorful..an awesome composition, unexpected for a dancer! and your stories are poignant, heartfelt, and beautiful.!!

Artist Reply: Marisa, you are so very kind and generous to comment so sweetly on my works. I sincerely appreciate it and that you enjoyed the reading of the narrative. I sincerely am grateful. Sometimes the story is not one of happiness but always of devotion as that is what I practice in my life. I am devoted to what I do, who I love and my family and to my Gods. All of the stories have an interstellar connection through and invisible thread that sew them together and that is devotion. My utmost gratitude to you, Marisa and my deepest thanks to you. Migule

Linda Bertiaux 05 Nov 2007

Wow..can you every write!!! Your words are music to my eyes. You are just wonderful.

Artist Reply: Linda, thank you so much. I am working on some writing projects now and that was always my first love and the painting and photography is more as if I cannot stop doing it. A bit of an obsession. I thank you so much and I have spread many stories out through the portfolio all scattered about when the image moves me or the writing moves me to do the image. So hunt around and read some. They are all over the place and typically have some meaning to them that helps me through life. My deepest gratitude for your kindness and generosity of spirit. You are so kind. Michael

Nira Dabush 03 Nov 2007

Well..surly all Rosita'a are so wonderful it seems :-)...Like this name...Totally gorgeous..Michael. Splendid romantic story as well.

Artist Reply: Nira, you know that my heart is always open to romance and sometimes it flies through so fast like a hawk and I never get a chance to enjoy the loving from a distance and devotional love that takes so long to mature. Perhaps this is about me. Rosita is a favorite lady to write about but there are others in my mind to create. You are so very gracious in your observations of my work. I bow to you with gratitude. Michael

Joe Sweeney 03 Nov 2007

Michael, this is a wonderful sad story and beautiful lovely digital art work!! as only you can do.

Artist Reply: Joe, my dear friend, thank you so very much for your kindness and for reading the stories, as I am not so sure people do. Sometimes they are too long to take the time, but they go with the image as much as the colors I use. My gratitude to you for your friendship and you kind comments. Michael

Fiona Hooper 03 Nov 2007

What a beautiful but sad story, Miguel. I hope you are not too sad after writing it. The image is lovely though.

Artist Reply: I had my moments while writing it as some feelings within the work are autobiographical. Just the feelings. I always have great faith in happiness and believe that there are miraculous things always about to happen. Some of my dreams come true. I am moved by your concern. My gratitude to you for your comments and concern. Michael

Anonymous Guest 03 Nov 2007

Such a sad story Michael; saved by a beautiful image. The image itself is in total contrast to your narrative. Perhaps Rosita was always a dream but to dream is to be free. We all need to taste freedom Michael & your work inspires those dreams. Best wishes RB.

Artist Reply: My dear friend. The story is one of many a young man's dream and that is all they have. They begin to settle and die the slow death of settling for that which is below the dream they have had. This story just reinforces for me the realization that if your dream and your reality are not synonymous, then you are living the wrong life or wrong dream. They must be in synch to achieve bliss and again as I have said before, if you are aligned with someone you are not in adoration of, you are cheating yourself and the one that is at the ready to become your dream. My thanks for reading the story. It means a great deal to me. My gratitude to you. Miguel

Athena Alexa 03 Nov 2007

Ahhhh what a beautifuly sad story,written with a magic pen and a magic heart,your lovely picture of Rosita is so beautiful and your artwork and your enchantting story of Rosita have touched my heart!!!! Athena

Artist Reply: Rosita, is a character that I have put in many situations and mostly romantic happy ones. In this story she knows not of his devotion due to his shyness and duty to family, but his dream carries him through life until it is time to take the psychotropic brew of dreams so that he may live the life he has created in his soul. My thanks to your graciousness and kindness, Athena. I was very sad to end the story as I did as I have built my life on happy endings but somehow the end up being dreams.....My gratitude, Miguel

Jessica Courtley-Rose 03 Nov 2007

Wonderful vibrant colors and terrific image itself!

Artist Reply: Jessica, my deepest thanks to your for your kind words. You are very gracious and kind to encourage me in my quest to be a better person first and a better artist second and perhaps they are assisting each other. My gratitude to you for you kindness. Michael

Lee Fogle 03 Nov 2007

So colorful and beautiful!

Artist Reply: Lee, thank you for your kindness. I had the story first and wanted the girl to be at an age when he first met her. I don't know if you read the accompanying story but it explains why I choose that subject. Thanks for your great comments and support. You are so kind and giving. Have a most lovely weekend. Michael

Anne Vis 03 Nov 2007

What a happy and colorfulwork work, Michael! :-)

Artist Reply: Anne, thank you so much for your continued support for my work. I always love looking at your brilliant talent. It is sometimes beyond my words to speak of it in my comments. You are working in a different spiritual world and it is magnificent. Have a most glorious weekend and thanks. Michael

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 03 Nov 2007

marvellous again!!!!! impressive and full of vivacity!!

Artist Reply: Nelly, you are such a dear woman. I am always so pleased to see your brilliance on canvas. You are such a talent and live the life of a true artist. Giving and loving towards your fellow creatives. It is a true gift and a well of creativity within you. I am proud that you like my work. It is a great feeling that you comment on my paintings. My ultimate gratitude and I pray that you have a very special weekend. Michael

jamie winter 03 Nov 2007

this is super amazing the color and forms are incredble!!!

Artist Reply: Jamie, you are so full of talent and on fire with creativity, yet you take time to comment on my every piece. I am so thankful to have you as a friend and fellow artist and then to have you comment so beautifully on my work is a true gift to me. Thanks so very much and I hope you and the ones you love have a most fun and creative weekend. Michael

Robin Brown 03 Nov 2007

Wow Michael so many colours surrounding such a pretty face. It would be impossible for that young soul to have a frown. My guess is that smile is permanent. Stunning paintography.

Artist Reply: Robin, my dear friend and fellow artist. If you get a chance in your busy schedule, read the accompanying story and it was the reason for the painting. The narrative came first and the impetus to paint the girl came after. Robin, it is always such a gift to me to see your name on my mail, as I know that your words will heighten my view of the world, yourself and my belief and dedication in the work we all do. You are a dear, dear man and a great friend and please remember that you have a dedicated friend across the water. Have an extraordinary weekend, Buddy. Michael

Hui Zhu 02 Nov 2007

Wonderful portrait..^^

Artist Reply: Hui, my gratitude to you for your very kind comments. I am so pleased that you like the work and hope you have the opportunity to read the story as well. My thanks to you for your kindness. Michael

Lior Goldenberg 02 Nov 2007

Amazing coloring and expression on her face. Beautiful, Michael!

Artist Reply: Lior, you are so very kind and generous in your support and encouragement and I have to tell you that I love your work and your freedom to create and I just know you love your work and go to another place while you paint. It is a pool of creativity that you swim in and it must cleanse you in a way that allows you to create such great works. My compliments and I hope you have a most magnificent weekend. Michael

Prananda Navitas 02 Nov 2007

Beautiful work, Michael. Amazing story behind it as well! Well done!!

Artist Reply: Prananda, my thanks to you for your gracious remarks and also for reading the story. I think it makes the image mean quite a bit more impacting. Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity. My gratitude. Michael

Anonymous Guest 02 Nov 2007

what an adorable little face, with mischief and innocent flirtatious fun in her eyes. Her face and all the vivid colors swirling around her are a "Fiesta Vignette". They ARE a fiesta unto themselves! And, Michael-Maestro of Magical Words and Magical Worlds-I am, once again, speechless and amazed......ao

Artist Reply: Thanks so much for your comments. She is a sweet little girl and very innocent but in the story she is just so adored by all. She is modest and so talented but has humility and shows it to all even with her extreme talent. So the story is a must while you are having observation her. I am glad you read the work. Thanks so much for your gracious comments and for reading the work. Michael

Patty Day 02 Nov 2007

Amazing work, Michael!!! Bold beautiful colors!

Artist Reply: Patty, thank you so very much. If you have every seen any of the states in Mexico's production of the Ballet Folklorico, those presentations of the dances and music are just magical. I have seen them in many states in Mexico and a very large production with the San Francisco Philharmonic at one time and that was just so beautiful. Unbelievably romantic and ancient. Great dances. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much Patty. Michael

Joanna Jungjohann 02 Nov 2007

brilliant work Michael!~

Artist Reply: Thanks my great friend Jo, bless you for your kind words and I hope you and the ones you love have a most delightful weekend. Thanks for the encouragement and your observations always. Michael

Emily Reed 02 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: Thank you so very much Emily, more tales of Rosita and Miguel. My constant gratitude to you for all that your are. Michael