• Janette Ihnatova-Dengo
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  • Added 04 Sep 2007
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Baby's First- Books


Kindred Kreations Publishing was created by two young stay at home moms who enjoyed being at home with their children.  Our children were the inspiration for the book launch.  KKP was established in 2004.

One special and talented author behind the whimsical, fun and rhyming stories is a girlfriend I went to high school with many years ago, and the other one is "ME" the illustrator.  They are designed to keep and preserve special memories and also photographs and therefore printed on ACID FREE paper.  With special areas to place the child’s photo, they can be customized with tons of fun and kept for many wonderful years. We are currently in research and development on making these books in a digital format.  This will reduce the cost of the books tremendously since they can be uploaded and personalized by you directly on your computer.  It also means that specific and desired pages can be printed in the comfort of your own home and placed into albums.

Please visit www.kindredkreations.ca to view some pages of these truly awesome keepsakes.  For questions please send us an email to [email protected] 

~Have the most wonderful and fun-filled day~

5 of 17 Comments Show All 17 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Mayme Crouse 06 Sep 2007

awesome work Janette..and what a fantastic idea..............

Zura Potskhishvili 05 Sep 2007

well=realised,kind and necessary idea!!! Professionally fulfilled book graphics!!!!

katja cuikova 05 Sep 2007

very interesting and creative! your style is great!

Steve Farr 05 Sep 2007

Wonderful, Janette! Always continued success!!!

Charlotte Ottilo 05 Sep 2007

First..much love to the 'stay at home moms'..I did that for 27 years and I loved it..didn't get much respect from the 'real world' of working moms :( but I sacrificed alot to stay at home and I don't regret one minute. Theres nothing like a child coming home from school and calling out to mom and she answers! But on the same token, I have always tipped my hat to moms who had to work..it can't be easy. Secondly..no I didn't know you were an illastrator .. that is so awesome and I congratulate you on these wonderful books! They sound like wonderful well constructed books!

Artist Reply: Thanks again Charlotte for your kind and inspiring words to my work and to stay at home moms... the books are just beautiful and to see one done with cute photos is and personal touches is just stunning... they are a gem to me and my kids.... thanks again!