• Tim Goodwin
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  • Added 24 May 2007
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Vantell Scheia--Book Cover Design

This is my attempt at the cover design for the novel "Vantell Scheia--The Spirit of Law and Fire" which I hope will one day be a published reality... As a writer I am in the midst of several projects: "The Spirit of Law and Fire"; which is a trilogy, beginning with "Garden's Tears"--which is currently in the hands of Ace Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, for the possibility of publication (keep your fingers crossed). Following Garden's Tears is the novel "The Wings of Hope", (which I'm in the process of crafting now) and finally, "Vantell Scheia." My other projects include two young adult novels: "The Calling", and "Dreams of Blosoms"; I'm also working on a horror novel entitled: "The Darkness Within"... Vantell Scheia is a character that I envisioned a little over twenty years ago--he is the apotheosis of that which is a Flux in Time... For mor information I invite you to read "Pariah"... Vantell is the property of Rendered Realities, and makes his first appearance in the novel "Pariah", which is on sale now at Amazon.com...


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julie Marks 23 Aug 2007

Fantastic rendering. What a creative and inspriting book cover! It compels me to look at the pages of the book being an avid sci/fi fan. I would love to know when your books get published. With a taste of your amazing talent, I would love to read your books, but for now will check out Pariah on Amazon.

Laurie Rawdon 25 May 2007

Don't know how I missed this Tim, This is wonderful!!

Lawrence Hickman 24 May 2007

good job.