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Mother Nature's Nap

©Seth F.Weaver,Sr. 12/13/06. This was inspired by the changing of the Seasons, as if I could imagine Mother Nature after a gruling year of toil slowly sinking into the rich soft fallen leaves for her winter nap. I hope you all like this one. Thanks for looking! Seth


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John Cappello 14 Jun 2013

Excellently captured. This is Beautiful artwork

Artist Reply: THank you John for your compliment on this doodle of mine done with markers and washes.

ruth sears 03 Aug 2012

yes,I love the eyes on this work,she has a calm appeal with a wonderful blending of colors for the background~

Artist Reply: Thank you Ruth for you generous compliment on this creation.

Tahnja Wolter 13 Nov 2007

wow, I didn't see this before my friend, this is gorgeous and such great colours and flow

Artist Reply: Dear Tahnja it is so good to hear from you. Thanks for the comment. I hope all is well with the girls and you. My prayers are with you!

Sally Pulford 21 Jun 2007

I like her very much, Seth. Is this marker work I see? You've done a great job with the eyes...they are captivating. Very interesting trying to get a take on her expression. The colours are wonderful and the texture and colours of her hair are very original. I really like Mother Nature's Nap.

Artist Reply: Yes sally this is done with markers, watercolors, and washes. The face is suppose to relate exhaustion as Mother Nature relaxes into her winter sleep. Thanks for your great comment. I'm so glad you liked this one!

Renata Cavanaugh 21 Feb 2007

Interesting concept....nicely done

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Renata. This work was inspired by you and your work. It doesn't have all of your wonderful touches...I sorry.

BySilent 20 Feb 2007

Wonderful work

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Thomas for your encouraging words!

Dot Crowe 20 Feb 2007

Whoa, brother. This is really interesting. very colorful. Good job!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Doticus! See you this carefully! Love yah!

Jerry 20 Feb 2007

Interesting style!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Jerry. It is always good to hear from you!

Vanessa Holmstrand 20 Feb 2007

Great work, Dad. I love the fiery colors. You are the MARKER MASTER!!! Love, Nessa

Artist Reply: Thank you very much my Darling Daughter! I'm so glad you like it. Please see my 2 new ones! Extremely bizarre work!

Lawrence Hickman 19 Feb 2007

fantastic job, awsome

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Lawrence, I appreciate your kind words!