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Jonah in the Belly of the Whale

©Seth F.Weaver,Sr. 01/30/07. Although this is an abstract I feel it sort of depicts what Jonah may have seen from the belly of the whale. Hope it's not too fishy for my AW pals. Thanks for looking. Seth


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John Cappello 21 Nov 2015

Great Idea for Prayers

Artist Reply: Thank you so much John.

ruth sears 13 Jul 2012

fascinating work,very creative!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Ruth.

Vanessa Holmstrand 01 Feb 2007

Dad, your titles are just as creative as the images!! I can see the mouth of the whale in this one. Great subject and composition!

Artist Reply: Thanks Nessa for your unbiased comment.All my pals need to check out your work here at AW!

Carrie Ann Watson 31 Jan 2007

Wonderful work Seth! Wonderful subject to base this on! :)

Artist Reply: Thank you Carrrie Ann for your wonderful words! Stay warm in Colorado...your storm hit me in NC last week! Have a Great Day! Seth

BySilent 31 Jan 2007

Very interesting concept...... wonderful work

Artist Reply: Thank you Thomas for your encouraging words. You and Robin Foss do such marvelous 3D computer work. A piece like this takes GUTS to even show!

Robin Foss 30 Jan 2007

Very interesting, cool colors.

Artist Reply: Thank you Robin for your kind words. Your latest work is awesome. I reccomend that everyone that sees this look at your work to see how it's done right!

bianca 30 Jan 2007

FANTASTIC the swirl...

Artist Reply: Thanks Bianca...I love your latest photo it is beyond words...Seth

Emily Reed 30 Jan 2007

Really perfect!! just great!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your support and kind words Emily. Have a Great Day. Seth