• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 10 May 2006
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The Lianhan Shee

The Lianhan Shee is an Irish Fairy Princess who uses her power in a rather dreadful manner. She is alway on the prowl for love and dominant power over men of earth, not mystic men for they know of her but mortal man who is weak for love. If a man has the strength to refuse of refute her she becomes their slave. If they asquiesece to her, they then belong to her. Almost all mortal men cannot refuse her for their ultimate hunger of true love. There is only one Lianhan Shee and she is an apparition rather then a woman, a spirit. All fairy women who love become a part of her and all mortal men as I am one of, we long for her, she becomes their one and only love as I have. She is not a manipulator of emotion not does she toy with you. Every mortal who loves her, begins to live for her and unfortunately for mortal man that is their demise. The more of the power of her manifesting their feeling of unreturned love, the more they begin to love her. The more love they have for her, the more she rebukes them and is elusive. Her distance from them is like a tether that pulls them to her. She is impatient. The Lianhan Shee creates such sensual addiction in the mortal that they will attempt anything to overcome the walls around her. She never allows the joining to happen on earth but talks them into the copulation to occur in Tir-na-n-Og, and mortal man must pass through his utlimate demise or death to enjoy her favor. Every great musician and poet and painter loved her, uncontrollably, they all passed from earth at a young age. Recall now all the infamous ones who have created such beauty who passed early. Singers sang for her until their bodies turned to dust, and they sang until their demise to her. No one has ever been able or willing to describe The Lianhan Shee. All mortals that are cloven to her love, guard her image like a treasure map and they will not under any duress reveal her for the fear of the other mortals discovering her. Perhaps no mortal man can describe her, because she is what we all have devouring us, deisire itself. She does not wish to reveal herself and is always concealing herself as a humble maiden. It is true she chooses her lovers from our realm of mortality, though she never allows her legacy to stain their lips or pass through the tongue of mortal man for very long. It is a short dance man has with her. Folklore rewritten by miguel. copy right my Michael Forbus


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 01 Aug 2008

i loved your way of explaining something so elusive and the image is breathtaing i do know this entity..as i think all women do to whatever extent, just because we *are* women beautifully done almost makes me wish i never knew of her, though almost *too* honest

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your kind understanding of this work. Michael

Anonymous Guest 28 Jan 2008

I knew this fairy: every word you say is true. If I were a great writer, perhaps I could relate the whole incredible tale. But even then, no one who has not actually encountered her would believe it. And for those enchanted by her touch, descriptions are utterly superfluous. Thanks for the images and traditional information, and best wishes always to you and yours!

Artist Reply: You are one of the few who knows of this faiery. Hope you like my work. Miguel

Emily Reed 15 Sep 2006

Really gorgeous!

Kristof Frazier 19 Jun 2006

Oh, and it is so nice to find another who knows that faerie.Because of the book that Froud and Lee done ages ago I became enchanted with her.This piece reminds me of an old wood block print.She is deadly and enticing all at the same time Michael.I used to do fantasy/fae related illustrations years ago but got shamed into submission because of artists like Froud * grins*.Perhaps I will take it up soon.Her eyes are( sorry for the cloche) haunting.You captured the innocence and danger in one fell swoop.Would love to see more Celtic or maybe even Russian/Slavic faerie tale perceptions from you some time.Cheers!

Vera Harned 24 May 2006

Love it! Michael Beautiful and lovely forklore

Artist Reply: Vera, are you familiar with Celtic lore? One of my favorites. Thank you for your kinds statement. Michael

Loredana 11 May 2006

WOw Miguel how beautiful what a gorgeous creative composition beautifully dont excellent effects Love it :)

Artist Reply: Loredana, a story reworked told by my Irish ancestry and I believe that there are those out in the mortal world that prey on man. I will not be going to my death for a chance at a beautiful maiden. But to die for true love is the biggest gift of all. miguel

George Wallis 11 May 2006

awesome almost translucense in the art on the whole, great blending throughout, very cool imagery

Artist Reply: George, what an insightful and gorgeous compliment I am in awe of your words. My thanks couldn't possibly be enough but that is what if offer. And please know I don't take your words lightley. miguel

Nira Dabush 11 May 2006

Unique and sooooo beautiful artwork,Miguel...in the colours of the forest...creative imaginative story added here..very suitable with your artwork.Have a beautiful creative and joyful day!

Artist Reply: Nira, my lovely friend, I am so joyous to hear from you. Such pleasure to hear from a good freind. I am trying some new work and I am so pleased you like it. Some may have thougth the story a bit strong. But my Irish ancestry knows it is true. A wonderful day and night to you and kisses for you family and I pray you are happy and well. It is my only wish today. miguel

Michele Collins 11 May 2006

Awesome work!

Artist Reply: Michelle, we have similar taste in approaches judging from your front portfolio. How did you feel about the story, was it abrubt of slightly misogynistic or sacriligious as far as the fairer gender. I am curious. I love that you like my work, miguel

bianca thomas 11 May 2006

Great work ....Michael this is great

Artist Reply: Bianca thank you so much for your kindness. Ii is saved in my heart drive. miguel

Timothy Hughes 11 May 2006

Really excellent I like this a lot!

Artist Reply: Timothy, if you read the story, careful as to your response to her. You must rebuke her advances. The story I've been told by Irish ancestry have told and I rewrote. She is a danger to mortal man and the desire of your life. Thank you for the kindness this morning. I've been up since 3 am looking at everyones work and such a trove of treasure. Have a grand day. miguel

Angelina 11 May 2006

are you in love with love Michael the devotion and sacrificial words, keeping your spirit pure and unsullied, love can be very messy too

Artist Reply: Angelina, I saved your comments for last as I thougth this through. I am a mortal man who desires a lass who cannot be without me as I her. It is simple and uncomplicated. The mess is in the straightening out the truth and the invented. I invent these stories, not this one, but rewrote it. I do not invent my life. So being in love with someone is pretty stratightforward to me. miguel

thea walstra 10 May 2006

Awesome, very pretty work Miguel

Artist Reply: Thea, my genuine thanks for all your compliments and friendship, miguel