• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 09 May 2006
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The Butterfly Orchid of the Seven Sacred Falls.

The Butterfly Orchid of the Seven Sacred Falls of Hana. I found this orchid at the top of the falls as I baptized my chakras of all impurity and where I prayed for my own salvation and for my memory to return and for the bleeding of my soul to cease. I bathed in each pool until I reached the top and their was the Butterfly Orchid wavering in the Island wind and its scent was a combination of peaches and plumeria. It whispered, Michael you are going to get what you pray for, it is running towards you now as you smell my fragance. It is on its way to you. Remember the secret path. It is on its way to you. written by miguel. copy right by Michael Forbus


Anonymous Guest

Linda Bertiaux 06 Nov 2007

Your poetry is amazing. It touches my heart. The image is beautiful and the colors are bright with such happiness. Excellent job.

Artist Reply: Linda, my deepest gratitude to you and your most kind comments. I can tell that you are special woman and your delivery is proof that you have things to do that will bring you joy and bliss to others. I am sure that that uncanny feeling you have within that is unidentified is part of that feeling of impending prayers being answered. For some reason I know this. You are so kind to comment on my work and my biggest joy is that of knowing it pleases you. Michael

Anonymous Guest 02 Aug 2006

Your faith will prevail. I have felt your heart sing.

Anonymous Guest 10 May 2006

Miguel, this is, as you are, passionate and intense in all it's gloty!!

Artist Reply: Alias Anonymous, if wash written for the search and the finality of finding one to love intensely and deeply. miguel

Loredana 10 May 2006

Awesome Miguel i love this :)

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much Loredana. Did you ever go to that Aussie bar down in the Garden District by where the trolly ran down St. Charles. All my aussie freinds hung there. I might now answer now, but than you for all the good cheer and the Oilcans from Austrailia, I am crushing one now. miguel

bianca thomas 10 May 2006

Michael great work.....well done job...

Artist Reply: Bianca, I thank you for all your compliments. They are stored in my heart. thank you. miguel

Chas Sinklier 10 May 2006

Well this is dramatic... an a bit scary for those of us who live, or have lived in the buggy parts of the world. This flower is made more beautiful by your hand Miguel :0)

Artist Reply: Chas, this method works, except for anything privte in the business end. But the orchid, you should have smelled it. Peaches and plumeria. Ah, on the neck of a lass, now that is heaven. You are so very kind. Great to have a friend in you. miguel

maggie Barra 10 May 2006

The tapestry of amethyst and gray stretches before me, A circular path with turns and twists. I stand at the entrance with questions: Which way do I go? Which path do I follow? Hesitant to begin the journey. Uncertain of what may be revealed. A deep breath for courage Hands clasped before me in strength. A single step forward I enter. I feel the warm textures of the tapestry, A comforting, soothing touch beneath my feet. Cautiously, carefully keeping to the narrow path Following every changing direction Placing one foot, then the next Moving closer towards the center. This ancient sacred path traveled by many in places near and far, in times present and long ago, I share the experience with those walking, A timeless connection to past, present and future. All deep in thought, solitude, and contemplation, Searching for answers in the midst of confusion Lost within the maze. My breathing becomes more rhythmic. An easy natural rate My mind begins to focus on the constant pace of walking, breathing, of just being. All cares and problems abandoned. My heart opens to hear the inner voice. Passing by others, each on their own private quest Searching for hopes and dreams, for answers to questions that remain unspoken. Quietly yielding to those who must stay true to the path. At times my steps may falter, I hesitate which direction to turn, but I return anew to the course. Step by step, each turn and twist I progress to the center, closer to finding my truth. Steady on the path to dreams, to healing, and to answers. Cleansing the mind. Mending the spirit. Healing the soul. At the heart of this labyrinth-- a quiet solitude A tranquil place to stay, to escape A respite from the turmoil of the outside world A place of rest and peace, of renewal. Time passes swiftly and soon I must depart. Reluctantly, I leave this haven with a promise to return again. A breath to center Hands free at my sides Silently, steadily Following the intricate ancient path I begin the journey home. I am met by others on their quest A respectful glance A shared smile A knowing of the common joyous experience. As I walk the path home my answer is revealed Restoring the faith, the belief and the trust Knowing that in time the true path will appear. This time, a new road a new path a new way of healing. I emerge, Transformed. Kirsti A. Dyer MD, MS Beautiful piece michael...as always

Artist Reply: Miss Maggie, you move me to tears, I am unbelievably entangled with your thoughts. A beautiful and fitting piece of prosaic wisdom and faith. I always am in awe of your intuition and perfect knowledge of what to say to me about the work and other matters. You are so insightful and what a beautiful tribute. You have my feelings about this inside of you. Just touch them. miguel

thea walstra 10 May 2006

Wow Miguel, such a gorgeous flower and colors. Beautiful and awesome work!

Artist Reply: Thea, my sweet good friend, thank you for all the love I feel over the wire, you are such a good woman and a great commenter on my work. You tell the truth. I love that. miguel

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 10 May 2006

impressive and touching text and beautiful work Michael! love this very much!!

Artist Reply: Nelly, you are a divine person and your words make my eyes brim up a bit. Thank you so very much for you lovely comments. You are so commpasionate. miguel

Christine brand 10 May 2006

Words mute...only I see and know the beauty and feel humbled to share your heart and spirit...the floral speaks the wisdom of the wisest sage the creator who lives in all things, the lingering perfume of your heart, the semblance of soul...you are truly in tune...love the love you have, it is all ready there...your wisdom living and loving is the greatest beauty...all you do is love and all you think is love...you are transcended...

Artist Reply: Christine, what a kind and astute prosaic thing to say, I am in awe of your words. The twin in us has come to the same sacred spot at the same time. I am glad that you have had this experience. It is sacred as you are. My deepest most humble thank you for the kindness in your compliments. miguel

Angelina 09 May 2006

You make my third eye ache and bleed with your beautiful prose ,my soul is weeping

Artist Reply: Angelina, we must make the weeping for sheer joy. All is now unraveled and my heart has been slain and is rebirthing. It is an organic evolution to lose the old and rebuild. I am better for the hurt I have experienced. miguel

Emily Reed 09 May 2006

Oh my, this is so wonderful, just pure beauty!

Artist Reply: Emily, you are so kind. I decided to write my own work instead of quoting people although they are my heroes. I thought I would see if others liked my poetry and prose like I love to write it. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence. It does my heart good. miguel

Lara Falcone 09 May 2006

Beautiful text here Miguel, and very creative work. Well done!

Artist Reply: Lara, my deepest thanks to you. I have decided to write my own work since I have been a writer longer then I have been painting and graphic work. My Gratitude to you. miguel

Vera Harned 09 May 2006

Wow! Applause!!! Breath-taking poetry. What a wonderful complement to The Butterfly Orchid of Seven Sacred Falls. The poem makes me thinks that one is grieving over a lost lover. Super work...

Artist Reply: Vera, you are very astute, and I thank you for your very warm reception to my other life long work which is writing. I am glad not to have to make a choice. All the writing is somewhat biographical. miguel