• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 19 Apr 2006
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A prayer for PEACE

In memory of 9 people killed in a Terror attack...and many injured in Terror Attack,Tel - Aviv,Israel,LAST Monday...April 17,06..Passover.Tel- Aviv,is the biggest central, main city of Israel...a place i myself visited innumerable times in my life...A place i surly will visit so many more times in the future. This is not political statement...just a prayer for TRUE PEACE.Copyrights (c)Nira Dabush


Anonymous Guest

kath nepia 06 Nov 2020

Beautiful capture of nature and the texture is impressive. Congrats.

Helmut Licht 04 Nov 2020

Very appeeling :)

Pamela Rivera 24 Jun 2015


Caballero Salguero 19 Feb 2010

The Terror attack is a bad spooky in this planet of madmen... Great tribute, Nira. Beautiful Photograph. Peace for always. Hugs, Pepe

annette steens 17 Aug 2008

great! Peace IS!

Thom Mahin 11 Jun 2008

Well done! ... Great subtlety... "The Tao of heaven is to take from those who have too much, and give it to those who do not have enough... Man's way is different." - Lao Tzu

Greg Vilton 29 Apr 2006

Beautiful symbolic photo, Nira! May your message be heard where violence is still far too present nowadays.

Paul Pannell 23 Apr 2006

great shot

Alberto D'Assumpcao 21 Apr 2006

Fabulous shot, Nira, and wonderful title!!!

Jimmie Mathews 20 Apr 2006

This is gorgeous, Nira. Thanks for sharing!

Rebecca Mullan 20 Apr 2006

Beautiful tribute Nira - very moving !!

Deborah Martin 20 Apr 2006

Very special and touching tribute Nira....beautifully presented......

Les Jobes 19 Apr 2006

May this Prayer for Peace be passed around the world... Tremendously devastating what occurred last Monday in Tel-Aviv.. - Nira, excellent commentary photo, reminds me of the prayer flags in Napel..

Emily Reed 19 Apr 2006

Very bright and beautiful!

Thom Roslan 19 Apr 2006

Very representative of the circumstances of the world today! The tree reminds me of the "renewal" of life as it sheds it's skin to grow each & every year....we should learn from this!!!

Artist Reply: Yes,Thomi...you are so RIGHT...And...you know what some says...Trees are like people...THANKS SO VERY MUCH,DEAR FRIEND.Wishing you a MARVELOUS DAY,Nira

Analua 19 Apr 2006

Deep touching work Nira!!!! I pray with you with hand in the hand in hope of the great White Light will give to all of us Peace and Harmony for all World. It's hard to understand all this selfist reasons of the powerful politic men.

Joke Schotting 19 Apr 2006

Agree with jose,Nira!!

Loredana 19 Apr 2006

Gorgeous Texture Nira a super image :)

stephanie atlee 19 Apr 2006

wow....This is a great image to use for your thoughts of peace...it is tragedy that so much pain and violence has occured to so many. It breaks my heart to see so many die for ideals that make no sense.

José Fortunato 19 Apr 2006

Peace will begin by our hearts. We will never forget ! Should we forgive ?

Artist Reply: PEACE STARTS WITH THE HEART,Yes i agree with you.I think if we are peace with our inner feelings ,we can show the PEACE,also outside.I think,even if we can;'t forget,AND...NO the world can't foget,BUT....WE MUST FORGIVE...There is NO OTHER WAY FOR PEACE.Because with STUPID PRIDE...or with REVENGE..We can't reach REAL PEACE.THANKS JOSE'

Reba McDonald 19 Apr 2006

I pray with you Nira.

Artist Reply: thanks SO MUCH,Reba.

bianca thomas 19 Apr 2006

Awsome work and details:):)Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Forbus 19 Apr 2006

Nira, your imagery and prosaic marriage to it is so poignant. I too pray for you and your people, our people to have peace in our lifetime. It is women like you who make peace and teach our children the way of peace. I can feel the divine intervention on it's way and we will see it in our lifetime. Bless and protect you and your family and the work you have done to promote this cause. The message is strong and the photograph and narraive is perfect. You will prevail. My prayers are always with you. miguel

Artist Reply: Artist Reply: Miguel...you write poetry with your comments...did you know ??...you are also very insightful..and i can feel you write with your heart.And i will tell you something about me...and maybe about the difference between artists.We are here in AW,all different people who each,can create in different WAY...in each of us there is that ability to create DIFFERENTELY,And to say in his/her way...what we want to say to each other to the world actually.THIS IS MY WAY...I mean...i want to share you with something...Few years back...there were a time,that each day there were terror attacks all over this country,sometimes 3 attacks each day...no place was safe...you could never knew where it will catch you,if it will catch you.My son...was very young..and knew partly what is going on...because the pictures in the TV....were TERRIBLE...It is beyond the LOGICAL UNDERSTANDING...AND beyond WORDS...AND beyond ART,Actually...AND THE HEART IS CRYING AND THE EYES ARE CRYING...And it was our everyday's life for long time...BUT WE TRIED TO LIVE NORMALLY...TO go out and to LIVE...TO LIVE...And there are parts of Israel that were always less SAFE...And this country is SO SMALLLLL..And we wanted to travel to show the kids the country...and my son...used to ask,"IS IT SAFE THERE ..?"...Miguel..what can you answer your son...age 8 then...when YOU ,yourself, just don't know...when you can't REALLY promise...YOU JUST CAN'T...In those days...when you see the most HORRIBLE pictures in TV..WHEN,Actually...you can't see NO MORE of it,because your eyes,just can't stop crying seeing people collecting BODY PARTS,from All over the eara,to bring to grave...collecting these BODY PARTS,from destruction, demolition, ruining, wrecking, ruination, wreckage......In such times...NOT ONCE,NOT TWICE...I wanted to create some STRONG ARTWORK TO Describe what my heart felt...i even tried ONCE...But my inside made a decorative PRAYER FOR PEACE...YES...A DECORATIVE PRAYER...THIS IS WHAT I KNOW TO CREATE,BECAUSE THIS IS ME...And the BEAUTY OF AW,Is that different ARTISTS,Can create different ART,To say their inner feelings...DIFFERENT ARTISTS CAN SAY WHAT I FEEL IN A DIFFERENT WAY,PERHAPS A MUCH STRONG WAY.Thank you ,Miguel for being my friend...And another TRUE prayer for peace...FOR EACH NATION...ALL OVER THIS WORLD,ALL OVER THIS PLANET...SOMETIMES...Just sometimes we have to act ABOVE our earthy feelings and be BRAVE.
Artist Reply: Artist Reply: Miguel's reply to me: Nira, when you tell me this there are tears in my eyes and they burn with the pain of how your have to raise your children. But your are such a strong woman and you have clarity only a person with angelic qualities can have. You are right to create and make your own world that is without the dread of war and death. You are right now creating beauty to fight the battle in the way Gandhi would. You put yourself in front of the ones you love with your art and gentle words that are the truth. You are fighting the great battle by teaching your children peace and by telling other artists like yourself to pray for peace. In every piece I produce from now on. The closing comment will be take a second and pray for peace. Some will. Those artists are strong because they have been directed to create beauty and to make others think like you have me. So while I paint, I pray and my work has impregnated in it that pleading for safety for you and your family and others like you all over our world. I am praying now. You are waking a lot of people up with your words and are and I am one. I am now activated to achieve peace in our lifetime so that my daughters don't have to witness this carnage."..." Nira you are daughter of Peace"... I have made my world and it is a much better world than I ever saw outside. LOUISE NEVELSON May love surround you and your loved ones with safety and joy. miguel
Artist Reply: Yes,Miguel....i'm the daughter of PEACE...It started very early with the education,i recieved from my parents as a kid...to be in PEACE with my friends.

Dawn Bigford 19 Apr 2006

Wonderful tribute and my thoughts are with you.

Pat Abbott 19 Apr 2006

Nice work, Nira and I pray with you...

milan banik 19 Apr 2006

wonderful way to share peace,we are with you!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 19 Apr 2006

My thoughts are with you dearest Nira. My thoughts are with all these people. And cannot understand and my head is just having sadness. You work is beautiful.

Artist Reply: Thank you my dear Nelly...for your comments...have a wonderful evening ,my friend!

geoff cooper 19 Apr 2006

our prayers are with you and your people.... Geoff and Lucinda.

Tabitha Borges 19 Apr 2006

Yes will Pray... Love the tree

thea walstra 19 Apr 2006

I pray with you Nira and thank you for the interesting photograph

John Segon-Fisher 19 Apr 2006

My dear Nira How can one express feelings towards such terribe savagery and meaningless fot so many innoecent people, But the tree of life cannot be dimisinished, nor can hope for peace. Love to you, John xxx

Artist Reply: Thank you SO MUCH ,Dear Jhon..i truly apprecate your comments...especcially your comments.LOVE TO YOU XXX Nira

Linda Bertiaux 19 Apr 2006

Sorry to hear about the attack. Greay prayer. I like the depth of field.