• Hisham Zrake (Zreiq)
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  • Image 78 of 92
  • Added 04 Nov 2004
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The children of war

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of god belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16 We live in a world, were children are killed by air strikes and tanks, they are killed in the name of security, and in the name of freedom. They are killed to be given a better life. We live in a world, were people write their protest on the wall of forgetfulness, and close their eyes. So I wrote my protest on the wall of forgetfulness, and I am dedicating this art work for all the children that paid the price of power, and sent back to mother earth.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 21 Jul 2007

This is a fantastic composition. Truly a portrait of the time we live in.

bill luke 22 Dec 2006

Very Sad Truth! Very nice dedication.

Anonymous Guest 14 Aug 2005

I can only agree with you on this. In the name of freedom and a better way of life, so much evil is committed! And the victims are, as ever, the innocent. Your work is powerful, thank you for sharing it with me. With utmost respect Maysaloun Faraj ayagallery / iNCiA

Tiziano Cremonini 04 Feb 2005

your art is very creative!!

Bernard Dumaine 13 Jan 2005

I do hate war too, ! Thanks for sharing your work !!!

André Hein 16 Dec 2004

Great work!

Marcelo Romero 15 Dec 2004

Very touching . Your work is amazing, humanity must remember this crimes.Thank you Hisham

Devon Wilson 14 Dec 2004

ty for the comments...you do wonderful work, its so deep, and inticut...

Renata Cavanaugh 06 Dec 2004

Powerful image...speaks a thousand words

Masrur Imani 05 Dec 2004

Great 3D artworks.Technically excellent,of great impact about horrors of war against innocents and young life.

David Holcombe 03 Dec 2004

Again, it is the innocent who suffer. The compositon is good, the colors, muted and dreary. I can not understand how people get so immune to the violence of war. Thankfully there are artists here to remind them.

Alberto D'Assumpção 20 Nov 2004

good dramatic intensity

Tabitha Borges 04 Nov 2004

Very dramatic and Your work as alway speak loud and clear...Blessing on you..

christine brand 04 Nov 2004

Awesome and very meaningful. Goes without saying.

Noel Angelo Izar 04 Nov 2004

Very meaningful! Can you teach me 3D? hehehe