• Hisham Zrake (Zreiq)
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 92 of 92
  • Added 21 Mar 1999
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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 25 Jul 2005

Hisham, You are one deep mother. i have just looked through all your work with Mawee and much of it really touched me and some of it went completely over my head. It is wonderful. Thank you for bringing this work to us and for keeping the memories of past deeds alive. Wissam Awad from London...

Habeeb Hassan 08 May 2005

Hey, this one is really appealing. Something it says ... Innocence trapped in those cruel chains where peace & harmony fades away and hopes are so dim. Wonderful!

Susan Shiroma 03 Mar 2005

Stunningly beautiful. Your images are haunting and profound. I love the colors and the use of layers.

Stu Smith 11 Feb 2005

A piece to adorn any hay-fever suffers wall.

J.Ira Monroe 17 Dec 2004

This piece makes me wish ArtWanted.com allowed ratings above "10". If they did provide such, this piece would most certainly deserve to be one of the first to attain it. What is the illusion? Where is it? Hisham not only prompts visual stimulation but his images keep one's mind stimulated for some time. The images, if you think about it...stay fixed in your mind's eye.

Konstantina Daskalaki 17 Dec 2004

very interesting work.

Matthew Steffen 15 Dec 2004

You do some great 3d work

shaylise spriggs 08 Dec 2004

delete that 3.it is an insult to your art.this is very beautifull work and excellent theme.

Tom Ruley 29 Mar 2004

interesting work

blumgrl neopets 27 Sep 2003