• Chris Roukema
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  • Image 16 of 606
  • Added 28 Mar 2014
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A 9.5x9.5" Caution sign posting! Mar 27th, 2014.


Anonymous Guest

Elizabeth Lindberg 30 Mar 2014

Are you sure the moose can read it? It's up kind of high for them!! Some of them might even need glasses! I love your shot of this winter park!!

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Beth! Yes, the Moose in Canada are Literate & quite Smart! ;-0 . Thank You for the Smiles! The Winter Park is Beauty in All Seasons! Cheers!

Heloisa Castro 28 Mar 2014

Nice shot

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Heloisa! Thank You so very much! Canada is full of Wild Animals! Cheers!

Brenda Loveless 28 Mar 2014

Thanks for the chuckle, Chris!

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Brenda! Thanks for getting My sense of Humor! We do have lots of Moose further North though! They can get to be Enormous & You might want to run if Your in Their sights! Cheers!

Stefani Wehner 28 Mar 2014

Snow and moose.........that's CANADA! These signes make me always smile......! Have a little one on my fridge! Have a sunny day, Chris!

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Stefani! Rocks & Trees, Snow & Moose! Yes, That is Canada! These signs are a Riot to have Fun with! Cheers!

Kate Gallagher 28 Mar 2014

That's a cool looking moose Chris, we don't have moose in these parts of new England!

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Kate! The Moose are further up North! I am just having some fun like Always! Cheers!

yves colas 28 Mar 2014

inusual sign to see for me hi!hi!hi! we have not this kind of animal in france...thank's for share it...

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Yves! I am just having fun! The Moose are further up North! There is no Moose in Europe because They were all eaten! HA! ;-). Cheers, My Friend!

Anneke Hut 28 Mar 2014

So typically Canadian! :) Still a lot of snow!

Artist Reply: Hi Dear Anneke! Yes, typically Canadian! Apple-moose is typically Dutch! Also, the snow is finally starting to melt with the rain & milder temperatures! This was Our worst Winter since 1979! BRUTAL! Anyway, I Hope Everything is Good with You over there! Cheers!

John Cappello 28 Mar 2014


Artist Reply: Dear John, You are "MOOOOOOOST" Kind & Brilliant! Cheers, Big Buddy!