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The First Cast

©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 04/29/13 16x20" stretch canvas done with permanent markers and acrylic. The anticipation of that first cast out on a serene lake when life is beautiful and everything is serene. The fisherman knows that every fish in sight will eagerly devour up his bait and wistfully jump into his boat. The sportsman lives in fear that his meager little boat won't hold all the fish and he will either have to go home wet or die in the phantasmagoria of fish. Oh the dreams that breed in the brain of this weekend neanderthal as he ventures forth into the wilds to become one with nature like his ancestors did. A Mixed Media painting.


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Pamela Rivera 27 Nov 2013

love the strokes:)

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the compliment Pamela. I hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tabitha Borges 05 Aug 2013

so nice

Artist Reply: Thank you Tabitha!

ruth sears 15 Jul 2013

how beautiful,love the vibrant colors!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Ruth for compliment and visit!

Renata Cavanaugh 12 Jul 2013

That is where I want to be right now. Love the colors and setting....beautiful work Seth

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Renata for the marvelous compliment and visit.

Julia Scorupsky 22 Jun 2013

Very beautiful work, Seth! I love the colors and the mood!

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Julia for your always appreciated comments on my work. I hope you have a blessed and creative week.

John Cappello 21 Jun 2013

From an Awesome imagination! All Very Exciting and Interesting Creations! Great Real looking images

Artist Reply: Thank you so much John.

Anneke Hut 20 Jun 2013

A beautiful mood, Seth!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Anneke!