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©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 10/03/12. A sad tale of an unhappy soul. A lovely lady who preferred to live in her past, would escape each day in her big lonely old house to her secluded attic. There she would dress in her antique finery and sit in front of her floor length mirror and carry on conversations with her memories. Talk to people that had discarded or forgotten her. Dreaming of lost loves who cared no more. She would spend hours talking and singing as her world changed around her. Each visit to the attic became longer and longer until her health made it hard for her to get there. She finally kissed the real world good bye and went to her attic and locked the door behind her. There she died among her memories and the spiders wove a silk shawl around her to hold her dreams. A bittersweet life. A mixed media work=Compullage™ and Scribblertool.


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Angel Estevez 19 Sep 2014

WOW! Very creative artwork! Your gallery have very expressive works. You are very talented! Congratulations Seth ...

Artist Reply: I'm humbled by your awesome compliment my friend. Thank you so much for your visit and words of support!

Renata Cavanaugh 22 Feb 2013

Very interesting work Seth

Artist Reply: Thank you Renata for the compliment.

Anneke Hut 18 Feb 2013

You make extraordinary creations, Seth!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Anneke for your compliment and visit.

Tabitha Borges 10 Dec 2012

very stunning

Artist Reply: Thank you Tabitha for your compliment and visit.

John Cappello 03 Nov 2012

Great view of this Wonderful lady Lovely highlights and Splendid Color,You captured it Well. Very impressive Work

Artist Reply: Thank you John I appreciate your compliment and visit.

ruth sears 01 Nov 2012

how wonderful this is,so creative and beautifully done digital work!!!!

Artist Reply: A thousand thank yous Ruth for this wonderful compliment and visit.

marie-claire gallet 01 Nov 2012

Fantastic artistic composition and story!!! Bravo!!!

Artist Reply: I'm so happy Marie-Claire that you enjoyed this story and image.

Julia Scorupsky 01 Nov 2012

Wonderful imagination, Seth, very beautiful!

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Julia for your always wonderful words of support on my work.