• W. James Taylor
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  • Added 19 Jul 2004
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Strange Fruit

This Chalk Pastel Painting was created on black Archival board depicting Unlawful Southern Lynchings during the " Jim Crow Era", the Edition size is Limited to 250 signed and numbered / with 50 AP’s. Every Giclee’ print comes with Archival Framing Included in the Price and a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the Artist. The Original Painting is also available, please contact Artist to Inquire about pricing structure. Thank you for your Interest / W James Taylor Pastel Artist / Geneva Galleries Inc.


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Jerrie Glasper 03 Jan 2009

Southern Trees Bear Strange Fruit....I have a copy of the book called: "Without Sanctuary". It is a photographic essay documenting lynchings here in the southern United States. Thanks for sharing this art work with me and others that are a witness to your journey as a very profound fine artist.

Artist Reply: thanks so much Jerrie

Lynnette Zullli 23 Jan 2006

...OooOooh sooooo much Deep rooted bloodshed !!! and still today as in your depiction no lose of blood but still the stabbing continues .. no ropes around our necks ...but .....our hands ...our hearts and our minds....only the blood of Jesus Christ washes away that guilty stain and in Him Peace is found !!! So Moving... nearly to tears !!! I see a figure.... sitting ..face to the elders at the base of this tree...............

James Taylor 12 Aug 2004

This is my favorite of all your work shown

seth rose 19 Jul 2004

this is great the colors flow so wickedly exelent work