• Susan Currier
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  • Image 7 of 16
  • Added 14 Jul 2004
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Lil' North African

I saw this photo in a National geographic magazine and fell in love with these eyes.. I have done this portrait over many times.. and had given it away to each person who fell in love with the child.

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Mark Saxton 15 Mar 2008

very good work. nicely done.

Christine brand 19 Dec 2005

Hello Susan...I was so surprised to hear from you about my work "Charity". I don't know why but, I felt the words you said deep within my heart ... like you truly understood my drawing. I thank you. I am pleased to know you and humbled by your words. You have a wonderful talent yourself. This picture is proof of your deep and sensitive heart. Not only have you brought the life of this child to all but, you have brought his heart, thus we all connect to him and you through this work. This is an amazing picture...a great drawing and one that is a true blessing. I would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New year and may you always be well and happy. I know those phrases can sound superficial...but I do not want them to be. I wish I could tell you somehow that I say them in all sincerity. This one little picture of this boy and his entreating eyes seems to unite breaches between our worlds...I know why you drew him many times...God be with you Dearest Susan...Sister of Faith!!! In truth CB

Artist Reply: Christine.. you are such a blessing.. and how could I take anything you have to say as superficial? After all.. I can see clear to your heart of hearts through your paintings.. the love you have for your child and animals.. and the expressed spiritualness about you.. the love you have for the first gift of Christmas.. you truly are a gift from God.. what better Christmas could one have? In truth and peace.. and love for the season and always!

Cindy Ginter 20 Sep 2005

Love the expression, you captured a pleading but innocent quality. Excellent

Artist Reply: Thank you Cindy for your comment on this work. I no longer have this artwork in my collection. One of the local famous artist here wanted it for his. Thanks again, Cindy, Peace!

James Herrera 20 Jun 2005

Ohhhh, the emotion, I can feel it. Love this one!

Artist Reply: Thank you James for the comment on my work! You are so kind. I had done this in color once.. it came out pretty good. This one is my favorite though...

Gayle Taylor 11 Mar 2005

Great Job! Incredible shading!!