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©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 02/27/11. The ever present fights within families and among friends that rips relationships apart. Can be easily healed if one side of the turmoil doesn’t want to be right or win and remember how the other side was always there for them, through thick and thin, happiness,and sadness, elation and despair. A Compullage™ creation.


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M Smith 09 Apr 2011

This is a strong piece that really packs a punch! It would be great if more people would listen carefully to what you have to say on this. Well done!

Artist Reply: The world around me inspires me, M. Sometimes my works are too preachy and I'm afraid that my images don't say enough. So my descriptions turn into mini-novels. Thank you so very much for your comment.

Renata Cavanaugh 07 Mar 2011

Powerful image....the colors give it a cold (king of lovely) look...excellent work

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Renata.

Anneke Hut 02 Mar 2011

What you say is so true! The expression on the picture says it all.

Artist Reply: Always deeply appreciated Anneke.

Julia Scorupsky 28 Feb 2011

Very beautiful work, Seth, beautiful faces!

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Julia for your kind words of support.

Vanessa Holmstrand 28 Feb 2011

Nice one, Dad. I love you.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Vanessa. Have a very pleasant week.

ruth sears 28 Feb 2011

Good words Seth,and a remarkably emotive work.

Artist Reply: Always appreciated Ruth.