




Artist Bio

Dear Art Lovers,

First of all I would like to thank you for visiting my page. For me art is the way of life. And I am talking not only about painting, but artistic expressions in all things in life. I was born in Ukraine behind the iron curtain where every one was warring same plain clothes, eating of the same plain white plates and living in the same plain apartments. I always wanted to make life around me a little more colorful and in 10th grade I sewed my first pair of pants. They were fire truck red and they horrified my parents to the point that they cut them up and took away my sewing kit. As soon as it was possible I moved out and started creating my dream world around me. I expressed my self through handmade clothes, knitted sweaters, flower curtains… Instead of magazine cutouts I hanged on the walls my pencil drawings of my kids, my cat and flowers. When I first came to Canada I found a new way to explore my creative side. Many people through out old flower pots. I picked them up and with the help of paints and jewelry beads I created vases that could brighten any room and any backyard corner. I liked working with beads, which led me to jewelry making. You could ask: what about painting? My answer will be: the paint stains never left my fingertips. All through the years I painted, sometimes more sometimes less. But art stayed with me, supporting me through and out of life problems. I paint not because I want to say something profound through my art, but because it makes life a little brighter. I hope my art can make you life a little brighter as it does for me.

Be Happy, Be Colorful,

Nata S.

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