





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

well for starters i work as a steel melter, i pour 3000* steel all day.i do this as a hobby, im self taught, and love looking at digital chicken wire, the untextured frame work of all that is and could be. my art lets me see the side of things most people dont, like shapes, colors and textures. i was an award winning tattoo artist for 10 years but im giving it a break, for now anyways. have several programs i use and "trial and error" is the only way to go in my book ive just started back into photography but im pretty picky about my pics so as youll see they are few and far between, plus it seems the more pictures i take the bigger the camera i want, so im trying to keep it simple with my 300d,if for nothing else to show you dont need to spend 9k on a camera to create art. (UPDATE).lol well i fell into it again i just bought a canon and have some how ended up with 7 extra just what i knew would happen,but i can see a diff. in the photos so i guess it was worth it

Artist Highlights