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New Entries: [Dec. 14th, 2003|10:25 pm]

The beginning of a long, boring, lazy weekend, I predict [Dec. 12th, 2003|11:32 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Metallica - Whisky In The Jar]

Today started off in spanish. We did some game in partners, I lost horribly, sadly. Then we did this class pictionary type of game, except in spanish only. I helped a lot with my suerb artistic skills.

Then I went to health with Stefanie and Renee. We learned a little more on some disturbing sexualy transmitted diseases. This time there wasn't any laughing, just a lot of near vomitting going around, here and there. We tried to think of ways of getting rid of poor Stefanie's step-mom. I guess murdering her is out of the question, but it's always good to suggest things. There is no such thing as a stupid question, like they always say, heh.

Then lunch rolled by quickly, I just stood there freezing once more in the nipply environment that nobody in the valley is used to.

After that, Kelsey, Juan, Kalen, Stephen, Ryan, and I went to this so called "Harmony" event, in other words, a diversity show, featuring the mentally disabled, because you know the disabled put on the best shows in town.

There was some okay drumming pair towards the beginning. It was interesting, they did have a pretty good syncronization going on, that's about it.

Somewhere inbetween there was a group of asian dancers doing abnormal dancings, heh, then they took their dress off to reveal some "hip-hoppy" clothes and dancing around more, still looking funny, to some asian hip-hop. That was amusing for the time being.

After that, there was some country song, where we laughed at the big, nervous, bear looking guy being "flirted" by some girl. He never more, instead he scratched his head in confusion. I felt sorry for the asses that made him go on stage.

There was some crazy "beat" crap, where 3 girls and some crazy, cliche, black, rapping guy stomped their feet and clapped their hands to little beats. If that's talent, count me in for the next audition.

Then, the best and sexiest part of the show was a whole butt-load of sexy latina dancers doing some hot, sexy, latina dance. Juan and I shouted comments, all dealing with the unveiling of clothes and the alike. It was pretty damn sexy, glad no mentally desables latinas were up there, that would be a big turn off. Just thinking about that, ew. But, none the less, the latinas women were dead sexy, so hot and sexy, the roof was just about to collapse in from all the intense heat damaging the building's infrastructure. Most latina women are pretty damn sexy, can I make it any clearer?

During the whole event, Kalen, Juan, and I (kind of), was yelling at the performance, particularly at the sexy latina dancers. Kalen got in trouble for his deep, loud voice, even when our PE teacher forwarned him. Kalen, you retard!

Our band's new name is Dead Sexy, describes our band, at least me. I;m just kidding, our band's name is still the delightful, Revenant. Our logo is coming on pretty nicely, if I might add.

Right after school, Kelsey, Juan, and Ryan got a ride by Matt, my older brother, in his little Jeep of fateful doom.

We played out in the garage when we wern't supposed to play, so the blasphemous neighbor with elephant ears, Pat, aka the spawn of Satan, called once more to bitch about the noise the neighbors didn't even hear. Damn him, so my dad just got mad, that's it. I think I'll buy him some eatplugs for Christmas, or a noose or something, something that will end his "suffering".

We played in front of Kelsey, we messed up a lot, I just had a good time, heh. Then after Kelsey left, we played more, better, since we're so much better without Kelsey around, hah. Juan and me worked a little bit on the webpage for our band, Revenant. It's still under construction. Then we drove to pick up Alaina to go to Riverpark, I haven't been there in a long time. It took half an hour 'til we found her house, just wish she was home, damn it. So we ended up just getting Taco Bell.

Latina women are pretty damn sexy, no joke, especially Sofia Vergara, drool, too sexy. Women, in general, the sexy ones, are pretty damn sexy, I must say.
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Voted most creative [Dec. 11th, 2003|11:24 pm]
[mood | annoyed]
[music |Death - Sacred Serenity]

It hailed a lot! It was quite nipply today.

Since when can you not wear beenies at all? Some asshole on a goldcart at school said you can't wear beenies at all, unless they say Buchanan on it. Is that just a way for Buchanan to make a profit, so we buy theirs, or plainly a pile of bullshit. Buchanan is the most conservative school ever. They try to sculpt us into perfect citizens. They think all these rules will guide us through life. Only a quality education can do that, I'm still waiting for that and I'm sure it's nowhere near Clovis Unified School District. Rules like this will backfire, no wonder not so many care about their school performance. This can't be a red ribbon school like they say they are.

I was voted the most creative of all freshmen at Buchanan. I don't want to brag, I'm just posting this, because I was voted it. There are others that deserve this as much as me. That's my thought though. The most musical of all seniors was strangely a rapper, what the? Jason of White Kollar Suicide was infuriated, not that he didn't get it, but a rapper got it. Rap is so simple, how could anybody say they're talented. Rap uses the simplest words ever, most that are pronounced differently to make it rhyme with what ever cliche the rapper is rapping about, drugs, sex, violence, "ganstas". It dosn't bug me much, people will move on to another trend in a while.

I got my picture taken during algebra in the hall for the most creative thing for the year book, during 3rd and 4th period, heh. We had a substitute in algebra, he listened to rap and I was very annoyed to these girls singing a long to just the chorus, wich is the whole song practically. Rap is just rhyming, dosn't even have to be that fast, unless you speak of Busta Rhymes.

Then in hell, aka english with Ms. Vukson, aka spawn of satan, we did some greek myth poster on any certain god, so long as nobody is doing the same god in the same class. I got Hades, luckily my first god I wanted, Bobby got Poseidon, Coltin, who just moved into hell with us, got Chiron. Hades is the greek god of the underworld, he's not evil, nor good, he's neutral. Poseidon is a god of many things, but most known as the greek god of the sea. Then Chiron is some lesser god, a teaching, herb-expert centaur. That sucks for Coltin, he dosn't have much things to write about and nothing about his, not even a god, demigod is interesting.

Besides the greek myths, our teacher was being a bitch again, when isn't she a bitch. Well, she gets worse day after day. She yelled at me and Bobby for talking about greek gods, I have no clue why. Then she called us immature and I couldn't stop grinning at her odd looking face, which made me want to vomit all over her. Every once and awhile she'd pause, think, and say some slightly complicated word that wouldn't even fit what she was meaning to say. She is so pathetic, if she acted that way around adults, I'm sure her severed head would be resting on a bloody spear somewhere. She lashes out at us for no big reason, maybe a little bit of talking, she acts like some Nazi general, expects total respect. Hell, that 5ยข whore dosn't do anyhing in the class, besides read a book during class and spew out some sarcastic comments. When our class average is a 56%, don't you just think that the teacher is the problem. She should stop blamming us and get her lazy ass up and teach something. She dosn't deserve a life!

I'm not very mad, just annoyed, do I decided to write "everything" about it, heh.

Deanna just might be our keyboardist my the look of things, we're a very uncommunicative band, except Juan and I. She is getting a keyboard soon, an expensive one she told me.

I'm still wroking on some logos for our new band name. They're okay, not as unique and metal-looking as I'd like, heh. I'm not stopping experimenting with it though.
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A bizzare get together and a lot more [Dec. 10th, 2003|11:13 pm]
[mood | hopeful]
[music |Metallica - Blackened]

In Health, we talked about STD's, Renee was pretty silent, 'cept for the giggling I had to suffer with. That includes Stefanie too, that's right, Stefanie, you giggle machines. STD's are horrid, don't laugh about genital warts, I feel sorry for whom ever has it, ew.

In PE, after lunch, we showed our health essays to the class. Mine was alright, the essay was great, but the orientation was horrible, but it still got me the full credit. I absolutely dispise talking in front of large crouds, unless it intrests me, what I'm talking about. I hate all the beedy eyes glaring into me, it feels like they're draining my soul, heh.

Matt is driving us to school more often, he got a parking pass, so now he dosn't have to park in the dense neighborhood across from Buchanan. I need to make a will before I ever drive with him again. Matt's a devil on wheels, buckle up tight, because you're not just a passenger, you're his victim.

Today, I finally sold my drumset, funny story, kind of confusing. My dad got called from two people for the drumset from the newspaper ad. He thought they were in the same party trying to buy the same drumset, so he told them both to come here at the same time, thinking they both were together, strangely. I'm simplifying this story, so just don't ask how, heh. Then the last call both of them together made was, "I'll be there earlier, is that alright?, my dad said yes. So then a bit after school, one comes and we're packing the drumset up with my dad and some Indian, from India, comes up to the garage door, thinking they're already packing the drumset up for them and he takes out his wallet. This is where I started feeling sorry for him, hah. So my dad thinks for some seconds and figures out the situation, while the guy that already bought the drumset is extremely confused and the Indian guy seems very unhappy, but not angry he might have driven here from far away. Then he leaves, comes back a little later and askes more questions about what happened and my dad explains it over again, while we still pack the drumset, hah.

The guy that bought the drumset was kind of hard to work with, hard to sell to, though I could sense he wasn't leaving without his dear drumset for his daughter. Then once my dad arrives with my mom, they talk about who they're giving it to, his daughter. He explains where he came from, turns out he knew Melanie, my mom, from high school. Him and my uncle were good friends back then. They talked for minutes, while I stare off into oblivion, thinking how very strange this strange situation started. After a bit, they come back to the reality of why he came, he buys the drumset for $200, $25 dollars less than the Indian would pay. But since he is a friend, my dad sells it to him, but in return must give me $25 extra dollars. After the drumset is packed tightly in his tiny car, he asks me is I went to the Good Charolette concert, "Your kind of music", he said to me. I told him I'm not into that genre or music, that I listen to older 80's metal and such, heh, he explains his daughter. She's 16 and is into the punk scene, but also is a pretty big BMXer around California. The whole situation was quite bizzare.

Finally, the momment. Our band's name is, and hopefully will stay, Reverant. It literally means one who comes back from the afterlife. They've returned and they know what everybody will be fated to, whether good or bad, maybe neutral. I've started a very nice website for the band at this free webpage site, no ads, no pop ups, 100mb space, one time cost of $10 for 100mb, a lot more. I swear, it kicks so much ass. I'll start working on some professional site for our band. I just need up to date photos and a logo for our newly named band. I feel like only Juan and I work on the band, but I guess Tweetle Dee and Tweetle Dumb don't wan't any creative input into our band. If they argue about what we play, I swear to god, I might just sever their heads off. Damn them to perpetual hell. I love learning new vocabulary, helps me write better.

The name sounds very good, I told my cousin, she told me she was glad to have a cousin like me, heh. I always tell her things I write, she gets impressed. She also has LiveJournal, hopefully one of her friends has a code for me, heh. Damned DeadJournal!

This Saturday is Dead Elizabeth's show playing at some guy's house, me and Juan will go there. I heard they're also serving thai food for a price, heh, that's bad ass and tasty. They're raising money for a band to go on tour, heh. It's all hardcore, besides Dead Elizabeth, they're a black metal/hardcore band.
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I'm getting in touch with my more creative side [Dec. 9th, 2003|06:18 pm]
[mood | creative]
[music |Slayer - Skeleton Of Society]

Somebody should have came to finally look at my drumset, the old one I need to sell to pay off part of the new one, but they didn't. I'm selling the whole 5-piece with the hardware and cymbals for $250. Juan's mom's friend wants to buy. She didn't come, so I have more time to fix it up for selling. Tommorow, I'm going to buy the rest of the parts needed, the cymbal stand's wing nuts and maybe new heads, it would make the whole drumset a lot newer, less used.

Juan said during lunch to Bobby, "Dude... hopefully!", lol. Hopefully is right, Bobby, or should I say Pat, if you see this, please answer this perpetually unknown question: Male or Female. Please, we must all know. Hah, just joshing.

It's Rachelle's last day at Buchanan, she's going to get home schooled. She also cut her hair pretty short, it's really not as bad as I thought. She went through, I guess, and emotional breakdown over the weekend. I'll give her two months. Heh, anyways I hope she dosn't get sent to a nut house. "Woe is me", said Rachelle, the torchured artist, heh. I'm not trying to be mean, heh, already talked to her in science with Ryan this morning, heh.

Every relationship almost destined to break up when you're still determining your whole life throughout high school. If you can take breaking up easily, without completely destroying yourself for you angst for them or your self pity, then you know you have a strong will. It's easier to let go that to hold on to something so meaningless and almost non-existant when there could be somebody else waiting for you that would change your outlook on life. That's my opinion.

Juan made a point that I'm not very confident, I do agree to a certain extent, however it's not entirely true. However, I can be a little shy at times, eh, I like being alone. I have bigger priorities right now, and that part of me has just sunk below everything else in the weeks that pasted. I don't like feeling obligated towards something, unless I really care for them or the whole thing works out. Everything feels so indifferent right now. Don't get me wrong, I'd be glad to be in a relationship, so long as I feel that passion there and they understand me. I don't think anybody truely understands me, at least not much anyways. I'm a pretty strait forward guy, if of course I trust them.

Finally, I've been able to write something worth keeping. I don't know how I made such a drastic change from pathetic and cheesy to this. The first poem and possible lyrics I made is from yesterday. The second poem and possible lyrics I just made today. I can still get better if I write and read them more often.

Peer into the ghostly haze,
fear not the specter's gaze

Reaper's scythe severs skin,
deeper revealing whats within

Dismal is your ailing soul,
abysmally gashing a gaping hole

Ever digging your own grave,
Never foreseeing yourself a slave

Fate weighed on a rigid scale,
await your trial's grim unveil

Perdition waits in your hell,
apparation of your death knell


A scourging death creeps the land,
engourging victims once at hand

Unwinding blight fills every tear,
Entwining you into dispair

These were originally supposed to be poems, but they're good for a song, I guess, we might use them, or parts of them. Who knows? I'll also figure out if I need to add lyrics or if I need to use some lines fot them. I'm going to try to revise these, these are just rough drafts. Please, please post a comment, I want feedback. Constructive critisizm is fine.

Now I'm going to go lay down and listen to Ride the Lightning, for once. I love Metallica still, no matter how much they may suck ass now, with all that Saint Anger crap. Try laying on the floor for once, when you're tired and your back aches. Do it and close your eyes and listen to the music, or simply zone out with only a ceiling fan. That's what I like doing when I'm tired and not quite ready to go to sleep. Silence and comfort really pleases me and help me think. I do that in school all the time, hah. That's why I don't have the greatest grades in the world.
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Sierra Summit [Dec. 7th, 2003|11:36 pm]
[mood | sore]
[music |Slayer - Born Of Fire]

This morning, after I awoke at Juan's house, since I spent the night, we got ready to go snowboarding. Juan jas a nice snowboard and boots, I need some! Everything was at my house, so after we picked up Charlie, other drummer friend, we went to my house to gather all my snowboard stuff. Charlie saw my drumset, he thought it was very impressive.

So we drove all the way, I rented a snowboard along the way. When we got to Sierra Summit, we dressed up in our snowboarding clothes and got our snowboards out. Juan's dad got his skiis, he's a very good skiier. Then we went to the skii lift and down the slopes a lot. I started out snowplowing to refresh everything I learned last year, then got out of it, though Juan continues to tell every living soul I'm Mr. Snowplow, damned Juan, burn in hell! I fell six times, as I tell everybody. The food really is expensive at Sierra Summit, ten dollars for a little cheeseburger, some fries, and a watered down, however satisfying, coke. We left at 4 o'clock and got subway on the way. Sierra Summit was fucking cold, I needed more clothing.

Apparently my older brother, Matt, went too. He first drove with his red-headed friend, Ryan Derham, until he skidded of the road, hah, and called dad and mom to take him up in the big ol' pick up me dad has, while my mom drove back home. I first saw Matt while I stopped briefly to watch some guys in lines go off some ramps and pull off some kick ass tricks. Matt was on the skii lift above me, so I yelled out, he saw me immidietely and made a peace sign.

I'm at home right now and I'm pretty sore. I spent the rest of the day typing up my health topic that's due tommorow for PE. It's on Heart Disease.
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A merry ol' time with the extended family and Juan [Dec. 6th, 2003|10:38 pm]
[mood | okay]
[music |Slayer - War Ensemble]

Nothing much happened today. After we woke up and took showers, we headed down to a little building to celebrate a very merry, but early christmas, with the extended family. Merrily we opened presents after listening to our new Dead Elizabeth EP's with our cd players. Matt round-house kicked my cd player, broke it, but thankfully we did this present trading game and I chose a cd player, but it's orange, hah, but is very nice, none the less. A present I got from my mom and dad, or "Santa", they tell me, heh, was a new snare stand for my new drumset.

Later on, Juan, Matt, and I went outside to my dad's pick-up to have some soda, we stabbed holes into the tops of the cans and sprayed each other and set them in the middle of the road, looked like a firework, waiting to be hit by a car. Then we left for Juan's house, so we could both get dropped off.

Now I'm here and we're just listening to music, a few minutes ago I drew some scary looking guy cladded in armor in from of a cross and a skull. We listened to music and looked at LA Metal, a website with some awsome bands with videos you can watch. We primarily watched black metal bands, something I'm getting increasingly into.
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Devout fan of Dead Elizabeth [Dec. 5th, 2003|11:57 pm]
[mood | pleased]
[music |Dead Elizabeth - The Countess at Dusk]

Today I went to the local hardcore show at Jon Jon's, where Dead Elizabeth is playing with Juan and Jake. Everything started at 7 o'clock, first up was Terra. They're a good hardcore band, though I'm not into hardcore, I did like them. Then there was The Dentist, another hardcore band, who played with Dead Elizabeth when I first saw Dead Elizabeth. They were okay. Next was Fate Thirteen, or 18 visions, they were good, actually had a guitar solo that was alright. Then Cold Remember came out, they wern't very good, they're emocore, kind of sucked.

And finally, the momment of truth, Dead Elizabeth, the final performance, the best performance, what I was waiting for. The best band was definitely Dead Elizabeth, without a doubt. As soon as I saw Olford, the drummer, with his breatplate, I knew it would be a good show. Not only do they sound good, they can put up a impressive performance, even when it results to Cameron, the singer, getting a bloody nose. I got the EP at the show. I think it looks just marvelous with my collection, they did a great job on the cd art, thanks to Robot Plague, the designer. Me and Juan headbanged in the front, might have gotten out pictures taken, maybe posted on their site. Juan, the afro-headed, vocalist from The Dentist, and others crawling over the stage screaming into the mic Cameron, the kick ass vocalist, held. Behind us, the crowd was slam dancing and moshing.

After the show, Juan and I, met some of the guys from the band. I have great respect for the creative bunch, Dead Elizabeth.

Raffi, Jason, and some other guys from White Kollar Suicide were there to see Dead Elizabeth, they liked them. One of White Kollar Suicide's guitarists almost got into a fight with some slam dancer who kicked him. Slam dancing is... er... interesting. Some slam dancing is cool, most is stupid, but hilarious to watch. Anyways, so the guy that kicked him fell to the ground after being attacked and started kicking, looked like a spasm attack, hah. He got away alive, but it was close.

After my mom picked us up after driving aimlessly around town to look for Jon Jon's, she brought Juan and I to my house. On the way she dropped off Jake in his ghetto. Juan's spending the night now.
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Red Skies At Dawn [Dec. 4th, 2003|07:33 pm]
[mood | content]
[music |Testament - Apocolyptic City]

Our band is getting somewhere, at least for the momment, but I have a feeling. Our friend, Deanna is going to keyboard for us. Our song, Red Skies At Dawn, would sound good with keyboard in it. Juan thought of the idea, I'm behind him on that, we just got to wait and watch. I know Deanna's a very good pianist, I'd like to hear what she could play for our song on the keyboard.

I just heard from Deanna, that our Spanish quizes were dropped, since a lot of people got F's. I don't think I was one of them, I knew I got around a high B at most.

I just remembered, yesterday Heather got on the back of a moving truck that was on school campus. That was hilarious. How could I forget that momment, especially when she got caught by some christan guy at school, very christian, so she got let go, I'm sure. She looked like some dead girl hanging out of some guy's truck.

I've got better ideas for songs, the others were rejects, they sounded cheesy, like Juan, I, and others on the message board said. Anyways, I've hoped to come up with songs that talk about something deep, but vague and just some that you can head band to, heh, I guess. Death, the band from the 80's and 90's, has such awsome lyrics.

Ryan, get your damn grades up, so you get your fucking guitar! Hah, you bastard!

Just now, somebody called me, I said "Hello", then they blabbed about something for minutes, it felt like, thinking I'm a parent. They sounded like typical, "I don't give a rat's as if you don't want to listen to me, my job is important", telemarketer. Then after waiting for them to pause and ask me a question so I can tell them np parent is here, I just hung up on them. Oh no, I might have missed a great opportunity, as they put it, but I don't give a rat's ass. Then another called, so I said, "Go away damn telemarketers, eat me!", literally! That was hilarious.

Tommorow I have Spanish, hopefully it'll be easy as it usually is. Then I have to see the birth video with Stefanie and Rene in Health, heh. Stephanie and Rene and whom ever are pretty fun to be around, during sex education especially, many jokes going around. Then it's PE with Juan, Kalen, Stephen, Daniel, and Ryan, though Ryan and Daniel are in another class.

Everything is going okay, I guess.
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I imploded up the neighbor's eardrums this afternoon [Dec. 3rd, 2003|12:12 pm]
[mood | creative]
[music |Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows]

I just read that strange post again and I noticed it said "well it's Liz", but Liz was mispelled lize. I thought it said like or something else.

It was so foggy this morning, I thought it was foggy day schedule. I waited in front of the television listening to the news, waiting to see Buchanan: two hour delay. It didn't happen, it's only a 2 hour delay here every 2 years.

In spanish this morning, I came in late because of Nathan, again, so now I have half an hour of detention. I'm pissed at Nathan and my dad, since he didn't drop us off and come back for Nathan's ass.

After the misshap, everybody in class presented their Proyecto Yo's to the class. I went dead last, since my name's Zimmerer. My poster was full of photos of my two dogs, Olive and Max, and a picture of me, my drumet, and artwork.

In Health, we continued our sex education, the male and female "sexual organs". Our crazy teacher was in depth about everything, she cracked a bunch of jokes along the way. Stefanie and Rene talked about some vile and discusting topics on the shaft. I found something in our books about guys that wear tight pants usually have a lower sperm count, so I automatically thought of Ryan, Juan not so much, he dosn't wear tight pants that much. Stefanie and Rene said how ugly penis' look, then I responded to that comment with a, "at least ours dosn't bleed all the time, I don't trust anything that bleeds that long and dosn't die", heh.

In PE, nothing much happened, except Juan and I took time on our lyrics for some songs, instead of working out in the wieght room and work on our health topic essays. Then the power went out, but the genarators turned on. Almost every classroom had half the amount of light, but not in the locker room. Lot's of people had trouble with their locker combinations. Some hilarious things took place, many words being thrown around the lockers.

Afterschool, I went to Juan's house so he could get his amp and guitar over so we can wok on the songs, the lyrics, ect. He had some very good lyrics, though I had a problem with the topic. I'd like them to be more vague, not so much about christianity. They we're good, none the less. Then we put together a song almost from scratch, we're planning on it being long and mostly instrumental with some dramatic vocals at the end, when it gets heavier and more complicated. It was a type of warsong, a song that had a marching feel to it, but I'd like it to get faster towards the middle. We haven't dont much on it, but we've done drafts on lyrics for other songs. The songs we're working on are likely to be black metal, we're thinking of finding a keyboardist to add the dramatic feel to it. I just don't want it to sound cheesy, heh. I suprised myself with the song, though it's fairly simple, it took a great deal of creativity to put together, no matter how little we completed today. It looks like Juan and I will be constructing the songs altogether, with Ryan's solos added into it.

I put a peom I wrote during summer into a chorus. It sounds alright, it needs to be fixed to fit a rhythm more, but of course, it wasn't intended to be sung, until now. I hope I'm creative as some think I am.

Children of Bodom is an awsome band, I wish I heard of them earlier. That goes with Death, also.

There is a Dead Elizabeth concert being held by Suicide Productions, who is run by Raffi, the drummer for White Kollar Suicide, this Friday at Jon Jon's. I'm definitely going to be there! All hail to the best black metal, local band in Fresno!

This Saturday I'm going my dad's side of the families' Christmas get together and I'm getting so much money. I bet it's just going tp end up paying off a fraction of my drumset, like all my money I've earned since. I'll get to meet my two second cousins, who are about hte eldest kids there, to bad they've turned boring. They used to be so hilarious to be around. I'll also get to see all the asshole, materialistic, little, brats, like Nathan.

After Saturday, on Sunday, I'm going to finally go snowboarding with Juan and his other drummer friend, CHarlie, whom I've never met. I'm going to have a long chat about drums and sorts on the way up, then it's all downhill, snowboarding fun, yay! This weekend is going to kick so much ass. I love snowboarding. I'm going to have a massive body ache with Juan on Monday, but it's going to be worth it, hopefully.

I don't know what's going on with a lot of my friends, some act strangely towards me, I don't know "exactly" why, they say something else, but they don't tell me what they truely feel, just keep it all inside or hide behind something. Anyways, I'm going to just act blank minded like I have for awhile, since nobody thinks I care for them or that I'll reject them, but I won't. I really do love all my friends, but I don't understand them, I'm not Ms. Cleo, I'm not a mind reader, I never will be. So, I'll just stay here and be ignored, somebody think I just don't care for them or they're afraid.
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If you're planning on playing hookie, do it on a Monday [Dec. 1st, 2003|11:11 pm]
[mood | tired]
[music |Children of Bodom - Black Widow]

I had 4 hours of sleep last night, I feel like dying, I am so tired at the momment. I need sleep, I need to visit dreamland a little more often.

Today is Monday, the first day of school for a week. I always right in my journal for a long time while I listen to music, it really gets me thinking. Afterwards yesterday, I decided to actually read others. I rarely ever read others, unless told to. Hell, I only read a couple of journals!

while ago I got a strange comment, you can read it if you like. It's anonymous, so I don't know if I should be scared of somebody creeping into the crack of my window at night or happy, I guess. It's probably a joke some sick fuck made, but I'll just assume for now that it's not.

After I finished the last of my room, Ryan Hansen, our band's lead guitarist, came over to get his hair cut by my mom. My mom went to school for it, now she just cuts my whole family's hair, she's very good at getting mine how I like it, heh. Ryan got it cut, because his mom wanted him to, not Buchanan, I find that strange. His hair isn't too different to me, at least.

Today, my Algebra teacher, Mrs. Beauchum, told me I had to get my hair cut while I was walking to the bus. I got it cut, it's still not in dress code, so I wouldn't look obvious. Mrs. Beauchum dosn't make sure, she tells you an forget, because she's old and I think her fat is kicking out her brain to make room for the massive amounts of food she devours everyday. Anyways, I only got a trim, I'll just have to do the tuck thing and see what she does.

So then after his family looked at the 6 puppies in the laundry room and picked out one they might have, Ryan came out and set his eyes on my beautiful drumset, we played some Metallica songs and just jammed. I added some good fills in, because I'm the master of rhythm. Hah, not really, but still very good. So then he left and I watched Black Hawk Down. Black Hawk Down is one of my favorite movies, it's so awsome.

I'm acting different lately, I have no clue why. I think it's this school concept that just irritates me.

Our band needs a new name, since Pestilence is taken. We've been going a little faster, we're working on lyrics and guitar riffs. I'll come up with the drums soon, when they finish their part.
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School is scarier than Rosie O'Donnell & Barbara Streisand put together! [Nov. 30th, 2003|10:18 pm]
[mood | productive]
[music |Metallica - Metal Militia]

I don't feel like going to school at all, but who dosn't. Plus, I got friends there, so I must, for there sake. Otherwise, I wouldn't go.

Today I did a lot or work, had no time, except for the last 3 hours before I went to my dreamland, to do anything fun. First I cleaned my room, then painted it, then later I mowed the lawn, then washed my mom and dad's car, then I did two big projects for PE and Spanish, then homework assignments for Algebra and English. So I was busy most the day.

About my room being painted, it's a grey with a bit of greenm which I explained, lookf funny, but with the furniture around it looks pretty good. Nathan was declaring to matt that his painted room looks better than Matt's, however Matt didn't care. Nathan also looked every once and awhile at my room, while it was being painted, saying it was boring. His was striped, so somehow he's become this Interior decorator, because he's all into how his room is decorated with fruniture, little things, ect. He's been talking about his room for awhile now, get's annoying, since my room has been pushed way back into a corner for his.

Juan just found out that Pestilence is already a big 80's metal band, so now I'm mad. We have to go make another name, plus a logo. The last Pestilence one took a bit too. I'll just have to make a brand new one. Juan's also making lyrics, so am I.
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Starting to look a lot like Christmas [Nov. 28th, 2003|10:42 pm]
[mood | artistic]
[music |Iron Maiden - Back in The Village]

Today, I didn't do much, besides being jealous at Juan for going snowboarding with Jared Piche up in the mountains and work on my artwork and the band logo, which is getting done very slowly so far. I looked back at the art sites, looked at more art, posted some of my art, got feedback. I posted the Anna Kournikova one, they said it was very impressive, but was faded a lot, drawn too lightly. I'm definitely getting back into art more. I cannot stop drawing, I definitely want to improve. That also goes with the drums.

I went to Guitar Center and finally got the bass drum patch, so my drum head dosn't get messed up too soon. I looked at the December sale going on there, many good things I'd like to get, but I still need to pay off $200 for my Pearl drumset I got Monday. Then we got delicious Subway, I got my usual plain Italian BMT with just cheese, mayo, and mustard. When we got home I reset up my drumset, while also tunning the drums more.

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas, since my mom decorated the house with every ornamate known to man. We also got a descent sixed tree to fit right in front of the staricase, so you can see it when you walk it. My mom alrady got me presents! Along with the decorations, we're also fixing the house up a lot, painting rooms. Nathan's and Matt's rooms are done, I'm doing mine tommorow or Sunday. Nathan's is tan with bold brown vertival stripes. Matt's is simply grey. My walls will be painted a greyish color with a hint of green in it. My room is full of black, white, brown-redish wood and a greyish green color. Later on I hope I'll get the cabinettes put in on the sides of my window.

Nathan is so damn annoying, he'll do any damned thing to piss me off, even if it means sacraficing something, his own man-hood, I bet he's dont that already. Seriously, he'll do anything, I know he's doing it just to annoy me, I'm not paranoid at all. He came outside late at night awhile ago, while I played my 4 hours of Counterstrike 'til 3:00 am, and just turned on the light, just to bug me, and went into his cave of immatureness. So I had this massive glare for a bit. That really pissed me off, ah!

Oh, no we got two more days left of freedom. I still have to do 2 projects, plus some other work. I can't wait 'til Winter Break! It seems so far away. I miss my friends!
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Thanksgiving at my Aunt's [Nov. 27th, 2003|10:24 pm]
[mood | amused]
[music |Iron Maiden - Total Eclipse]

This morning around 12 my family headed over to my aunt's house out in the country for Thanksgivings' day. Both my "cool" grandparents, on my mother's side, were there, plus my aunt, Treasa, and uncle, Marc, and my other "cool" uncle, Eric, and his girlfriend, Pam.

My grandma is an artist, she mostly does oil paintings and sells them by the beach. Her and my grandpa live in Pismo where my grandpa surfs or longboards occasionally with my other uncle, who was not there. My other uncle also plays the uke, he dresses like hawaiians, surfs, he's not even a native hawaiian, but he's cool, heh.

My aunt, Treasa, has a big rotweiler she treats like her kid. She is crazy, pretty funny. Her husband, Marc, is a Doctor who works at the Clovis Community Hospital which they live very close to. He also is big on fitness.

My Uncle, Eric, manages the computers for some schools in Frenso Unified, but before he was really into computers, role-playing games, and the drums. Back then, in the 80's, he was into metal music, like myself, I can relate to him. His girlfriend is alike in many ways, they're inseperable. Both of them are in their mid twenties now.

After the tasty turkey we all ate, we all had big stomach aches, thus we proceeded to the living room to do a bit of chatting, had some tea and scrumplets (sarcastic). Marc, Eric, Matt, and I talked about Eric's job dealing with the moron teachers at Fresno Unified. Eric told some stories of their teachers being so dumb, they asked why their computer didn't work when the power was out, or why their screen won't show when their monitor is shut off. He even told about how he fired a teacher who was looking at child porn, when he froze his screen and called the principal in to examine his findings, while the kids we off having a good ole "learning experience". Then we went into music after we watched The Hot Chick. We made fun of Saint Anger, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Snoop Dog, rap in general. I told him about some of the funny things me and my friends have done, he told me some funny things too. Him and his girlfriend are so hilarious.

My mom's side of the family is halirious. My dad's side is so materialistic, however my dad's family over in Nebraska are much nicer and funner to be around with. I'd like to go meet them again, next year, maybe even this winter. It's usually humid when we go during summer and in the winter it snows a lot. I love the snow or at least when I'm not melting in the heat during summer.

Later I searched on the internet for some sites my uncle told me about, some of which I've already been to. Then I searched for some online art portfolio's, that I could use or just look at. I found a few, kept me busy looking through them for awhile. I want to get back into more art again. I should finish the logo sometime soon.
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And so the badass pussed out... [Nov. 26th, 2003|11:30 pm]
[mood | indescribable]
[music |Cradle Of Filth - Bathory Aria]

In the red corner we have Juan Owens, standing 6 foot 9, wearing tight pants his mom sewn for him and in the blue corner we have the Chris Mikle, standing 5 foot 4, wearing the Good Charolette t-shirt and punk wristbands that his mom got him from Hot Topic. Ding, ding, round one... fight!

That's how it almost would've been today, but the immature, little 8th grader never showed for his ass wuppin' Juan and I were about to give him. He was so stupid with his little taunts, that even I, Wes, wanted to teach him an old thing or two. It all started when Juan talked to him on aim, thinking he was someone else, but it was this moron, Chris Mikle, so then Juan said he didn't know him. Then the moron replied with, "then fuk you thenn", with his shitty grammar (I could mistake it for a 5 yr. old) and it started to get hairy from there on. The Moron said "fuk you bich" and Juan replied with a "Want to back that up?" and the rest is all history. Hope this guy enjoys having a painful feeling on his ass all the time, he's going to be getting it all next year at Buchanan with our boots up his ass, but I'm sure he's used to that kind of stuff, whether it's boots or his boyfriend, hah!
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Annoying people don't deserve to live [Nov. 25th, 2003|09:36 pm]
[mood | annoyed]
[music |Death - Misanthrope]

Nothing significant happened today. I slept in and the rest of my boring day I had to take my little brother, Nathan's bullshit. But isn't that how it always is at my house. Nathan kept bugging me with his annoying girly voice screaming out the dumbest words I've ever heard before, while changing the channel so quickly that he made me want to smash a brick into my forehead just to end the suffering, even if it means spending the rest of my life with a machine to breath for me and a tube to sip liquid food through. If you gave me a gun now, I wouldn't commit suicide, I'd just shoot that little brat inbetween the eyes, old yeller style.

I really feel like going to somebody's house, escaping my dysfunctional family, especially the little brat. I refer to him as Morgoth, the dark enemy, as the elves call Melkor. I love Tolkien, heh.
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I love pilgrims and indians! [Nov. 24th, 2003|10:52 pm]
[mood | thankful]
[music |Iced Earth - Burning Oasis]

Today is Monday, but I didn't go to school. Thank you Thanksgiving's Day!

Yesterday after my dad finished up some stuff for our pool and backyard, we went to pick up Juan and head over to Guitar Center to buy me a new drumset. I've been waiting for months to get this Pearl Export Select and I finally got it. It's mohogany that's a ruby that fades into a jet black colored. It's a 5 piece, however I'll be able to get more toms later. It's retail price was somewhere around $1,000, but it was on sale for $650, but a nice salesman from a month ago sold it to us for $500. I love it, sounds better, looks better, feels better, simply delightful. When we got home, Juan helped me set it up, while him, Matt, and I also watched King of the Hill, ect. Had some problems figuring out what side the bass head goes on, but got it figured out, heh.

Juan stayed over last night again, the night before I had a friend, Zach, who came over. Both nights we pretty much played my little brother's Mario Kart: Double Dash and watched tv. It kicked ass. And when Juan was over we played out in the garage, I played much better, but I still need this little padding thing for my bass head, so I don't mess my bass head up early.
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Was a nice, easy day [Nov. 21st, 2003|11:52 pm]
[mood | relaxed]
[music |Pantera - Regular People (Conceit)]

This morning I was about 5 minutes late for class thanks to my dad's slow driving and him having to finish his cereal, while Matt, Nathan, and I sat out in the car. But, thankfully we had a late substitue teacher, since my Spanish teacher, Mrs, Flores-Ormond, got in a car accident.

Because of the accident, we just watched The Lion King the whole period, I slept, since I had 5 hours of sleep last night. The Lion King actually has some pretty good animations for a Disney movie. In The Lion King sometime when Simba is sitting under the stars and makes a cloud of dust you can see the dust spell out S-E-X. Most aren't put into the film diliberately. The only one I know for sure of was the couple frames of a nude photo in the background in The Rescuers.

Health was boring, too much work for my weak little hands, heh. Had a substitute teacher also, so no sex education video.

PE was the same, more precious work out time for Kalen. Both me and Juan overworked out on the tredmil, felt like we we're running though the snow by the time we were done.

I didn't go to the local show with White Kollar Suicide, nor Riverpark, nor The Crucible play. I might see the Crucible Saturday night. I was just to tired today and plus I called Juan and he told me if I wanted to spend the night, but he ended up staying here anways. After we picked Juan up we went to Bobby Salazars and I had a good old chicken quesadilla, my mexican food of choice. Juan went on and on about the chicken fajita, made it sound like chicken vagina, heh.
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I hate routines [Nov. 20th, 2003|09:00 pm]
[mood | depressed]
[music |Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley]

Today is Thursday, I had Science with Rachelle, Ryan (AKA The Master Debator), Chris, and Ashley. We watched a movie about Albert Einstien, I didn't watch it, I drew stuff, like always. I'm pretty silent in class. Rachelle talked most the time with Ashley, while Ryan was being pretty silent too, adding some funny comments about boobs in that made me laugh (he has the biggest fascination with Ashley's boobs, hah). I sat with a blank piece of notebook paper in front of me, my mind was blank. "I am the tortured artist, woe is me", said Rachelle, heh.

In Algebra, it was pretty boring. I didn't do my homework for the first time in awhile, but I scored a 100% on my chapter test. I always get high test grades, it's okay is I miss a little. I was silent the whole time, still staring at a blank piece of notebook paper, didn't draw much still. I sat their thinking about whatever came into my mind.

Lunch, I also don't remember doing much. Had a great Subway, though.

English was okay, got a lot of extra credit easily, along with Bobby. Now I can keep my precious C-. Plus, even how lazy Mrs. Vukson is, she still has a sense of humor, like Bobby. We reviewed parts of speech by making examples for the class. Me and Bobby made a Compound-Complex sentence: When he was young, Jory got dropped on his head and now his brain functions improperly. Vukson added some good ones too, mostly avenging Jory and some others with ones about us. My face turned red, because I laughed so much. I'm exagurating that, I didn't laugh that much.

I'm depressed, not just at home, but things at school aren't like they used to be. I feel guilty over things and I'm tired of certain people. I miss being around cetain people, although I don't feel like talking much, nobody will take me seriously. I think somebody will just ignore me. But, talking to Ryann, Alaina, Brooke, and Stefanie really helped me get things together. I can't wait for this week off from school, then I can relax, or I have more time to worry about things even more. I'd rather be around friends at Riverpark or somewhere else that school.

Right now Deanna's at her The Crucible play. Hope she does good. I might go this Friday or Saturday. I was going tonight, but couldn't get any ride, me being this pethetic person and all with no life.

Some good news, my dogs opened their eyes, Olive's little Miniture Schnauzer/Rotweilers. There are four boys and two girls and they were born last Friday. We think we know who the father of the muts are, it's certainly not Max, he's too young. I played around with them a lot, today. I love hanging out with them, Olive, and Max in the living room.

Tommorow is the White Kollar local show. Dead Elizabeth won't be playing, but they will be there to watch, their drummer is out of town. I could either go there, to see the Crucible, or go to Riverpark and I don't know if I feel like going to the show. I'll definitely go if Dead Elizabeth plays later on.
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