Contacts to Samuel Bohorquez

samuel antonio bohorquez diaz , lives in Cali , Colombia , South America. 


Tel: 00572 6682969 .....3128633

Samuel Bohorquez Art ... The Daimonism Style ... Fine Art Gallery ... Paintings , Drawings , Performances , Happenings , and exhibitions in art galleries.

Samuel with archangel Saint michael
Samuel with archangel Saint michael

psychodelic , visionary , surrealist ,new age , pointillism , esoterism , gothic , dark , mysterious , and phantasy .... is the art of Samuel Bohorquez...More art work from Samuel , check out the web

All of these differents subjects matters are related to the images from the work of art of Daimonism , the style of Samuel bohorquez .

More art work from samuel , , check it out .

Samuel welcomes you into the world of Daimonism.
Samuel welcomes you into the world of Daimonism.

Zoom in into the Daimonism Style of Samuel Bohorquez .

Lots of pictures depicting the amazing art work from Samuel Bohorquez , incredibles detailing photos showing out the wonderful technic of samuel , a mixture of contemporary pointillism , new age and daimonism style of esthetic  , all paintings made out in oil on canvas.

More art work from Samuel check out the web page