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Welcome to my page...

Deleted my art from the site, as I do not have the time anymore to keep it up. I've re-posted some of the main parts of the site, and I hope to have great updates in the gift art and character profiles sections soon. (I've got about 15 more pieces to post)
I'm out of school now, so updates should be happening at a faster rate...


June 14- No new art, but the sidebar's cleaned up a bit, and there's a different styling for the art section...
June 10- Some new buttons are up in the 'link me' section.
May 27 - Renditions page 3 is now up, though some things are probably wonky...(broken links and screwy lining will probably abound.)

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All artwork on these pages (except for gifts) are copyright (©)Yoshiko Mikazuki. Do not use without my expressed permission.