Upon some far and distant orb I witnessed through my dreams last night sights of new life exploding from the sky. The seeds of a new creation story hitchhiking on swift comets. Crashing a new vitality into a frozen landscape where it's beginnings await a time to come when the warmth of some errant star will bring forth the inheritance of a new Spring yet unknown. I have heard it said that these celestial mariners have sailed throughout the Cosmos bringing with them the gift of Life. These heavenly Magi have traversed this vast universe bearing the gift of life from the Creator spirit. No corner of the heavenly realms escapes the possibility of a new beginning. So powerful and omnipresent is life that it seeks a refuge everywhere. Do not limit life to one small blue planet. Do not limit the movement of the hand of God. Expand your consciousness to an ever widening appraisal of what can be. Expand your vision to see what cannot be seen by the eye. Enter the realms of the magical and mystical. Where our Beloved resides and all things are possible. visionary imagist "Joey"
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