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Whispers In My Mind

Hi and welcome to my little corner of the wide web! Yes, yes - I know - it's a silly little Tripod site. Dime a dozen, right? Oh well, it's a free place to post until I can afford a domain name. Which may be never~!!! =P

Also, please feel free to visit me at these other fine sites!


Deviant ART

Live Journal

UPDATES 10/12/03 
Two new post in Gallery One.
Nothin' very eventful happening - just trying to kick my booty out of this artist block. Heehee - need to start designating an hour two for myself to sit down and just draw for the heck of it. Also, I got a HUGE promotion at work!
No updates - but I'd like to point out that I recieved Mod's choice on Elfwood for my Derrick and Victoria picture. Huzzah~! My first ever *online* award for my art~! I feel special #^_^#
One new addition to the sketches section - sorry for the uneventful updates ^_^ I'll be getting ready to go back to school, so some good stuff should start pouring out then.
Fan Art section is now up with two new uploads~!!!
Anyway, ENJOY~!


All artwork is © Samantha Wagner unless otherwise noted. Please do not steal any images contained here in - otherwise I will be forced to sick my genetically altered super penguins on you and they will shred you to itty bitty pieces after lecturing you for years on end the morals and lawsuits that go along with a little something called COPYWRITEING~!!!