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Nobody #1,#2,#3, and #4 ~ Michael Baca

Nobody is a short series of four photographs I took in 2017. I’m exploring many things in this series, albeit it was intended to be quite larger. I’d love to say it’s a work in progress, however, whatever muse was moving through me at that time is certainly out of town currently, perhaps permanently.

The work itself explores change. Moody change, the kind of change that evokes deep emotions, often those of melancholy, hopelessness with perhaps a bit of pensiveness. Things have changed but there is a sense of having to move on, start over. These are four situations where I explored these emotions in my own life. These images carry a weight to them even now. Heavy are the colors and the meanings.

Although the images are moody to say the least, they are intended to be a release, an acceptance, a sinuous one at the time, but an acceptance nevertheless.

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