Malcolm Tuffnell

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Malcolm Tuffnell

Is an emerging talent in contemporary


From 1977-1979 Mr. Tuffnell attended the University of California, Santa Barbara and studied with noted teacher Gary Brown; when there he traveled to Europe, where he was inspired to a life as an artist.

He attended the prestigious School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, graduating with honors. At the School he won the Liquitex Fine Arts Materials Award in 1987, Returning to his birthplace, Santa Barbara, he took first prize at the Best of the Best of Santa Barbara County show in 1991.


D. J. Palladino, writing in the Santa Barbara Independent about his show “ Temporal Skies” at the Delphine Gallery, said, “ In Santa Barbara galleries, landscape painting has long been dominated by images that lead to ideas...with Malcolm Tuffnell’s work, I get the feeling that his ideas led him to the forms.”


Mr. Tuffnell has shown in many galleries, including Gallery 333, Falmouth, Massachusetts; Orlando Gallery, Los Angeles; Tah Gallery, Pasadena; Spectrum Gallery, Sacramento; Goldfield Galleries, Los Angeles; Galerie at Newport Beach; Art Brut, Los Alamos, Poway Center for the Performing Arts, Poway, California

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