Jackie by Jerry | ArtWanted.com

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  • Jerry
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  • Image 48 of 209
  • Added 23 Sep 2009
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The most prolific ballpoint pen artist, publisher, video producer and information provider on the Web is Jerry Stith. He’s currently publishing 800 ballpoint pen artists, 5,440 ink drawings, 153 video plus 70 pictures of different colored ballpoint pen, refills or packages for your enjoyment. Mr. Stith is also the founder of an American folk art program called, Ball Point Pen Art that is introducing what a ballpoint pen can do as an art medium! Jerry Stith is also archiving, recording, documenting or producing Ball Point Pen Art history to more than one billion people worldwide via the World Wide Web. Before that he invented the domain names ballpointpenart.net, .com, .us and .org in order to introduce the largest undeveloped art movement in history. Five years ago the Bic Pen Company stated that they sold one hundred billion ballpoint pens. Needless to say that’s a lot of pens plus only represents one company or manufactory. Mr. Stith is the only person interested in advancing the Ball Point Pen Art movement plus promoting eight hundred other artists worldwide therefore let history indicate that he’s the leader of that art movement. Let the facts stand for the truth to all those “Johnnie come lately” people absorbed in themselves. Hopefully everyone enjoys his art, styles, colors, half tones, long flowing lines and dedication. Everything Jerry Stith has done was as a labor of love and dedicated to Father God Almighty, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, amen. http://jerrystith.multiply.com/ Historically, Gary Stith


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Mary Janosik 25 Sep 2009

And away we go..... Thanks for the memories, Jerry!!

Brenda Loveless 24 Sep 2009

you so captured Jackie Gleason, God rest his soul!

jamie winter 24 Sep 2009

excellent work my friend. so detailed and yet expressive~

Stanley Layman 24 Sep 2009

That was a while ago!