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  • Added 29 Mar 2009
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new cartoon

my next cartoon, not yet finished as you can see, this has been done in Illustrator, as you can see I'm getting the hang of it now, I most certainly has spent alot of time in this software as of late, let me know what you think, all the best to all artist here at Artwanted.

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larry siemens 30 Mar 2009

Hi keith it's Larry. I really like your work. Which illustrator program is it. I have illustrator 10 myself but don't know much of it as of yet. P.S thank-you for the comments on my pics.

Artist Reply: Hi Larry. Hi Larry Good to hear from you, I use Illustrator CS4, I'm new at this program, and to tell you the truth, when I first sarted, I hated it ha ha ha, it was terrible, everything when wrong, the pen tool is not the same as in Photoshop, as everyone kept telling me, yes they are similer, but not the same, and the way Layers are handled in Illustrator are not the same either. After about a week I started to get the hang of it, now I love it ha ha ha, I still use Photoshop CS4 as my main program, the reason for moving to Illustrator was because of the scalability, I do alot of cartoons for Tarpaulin, and these poster are some times as big as 12 X 24ft, the print resolution isn't that good (72Dpi) but when they are printed at such high rez, it son't realy matter. I love doing Cartoons 16hrs a day, if you read my blog on Artwanted, you will realise why I have thrown myself into work so hard, going through a difficult time at the moment, my wife and I split up nine months ago, but thats another story, I will use my blog to keep things stright for the future, It's more for me and my kids in the future, I just started to use the Blog on Artwanted as a Diary ha ha ha. Anyway sorry for going on so much, I will be posting more and more art in the near future, this is what I love to do, and one day I might just be able to sell one ha ha ha, here at Artwanted I have never sold a single image, I use this site more for expose reseasons more than anything else, I get over 2,000 hits every month and its going up. Lets hear a little more about you on the site (Cartoons Elite) what software do you use how you go about what you do how long does each image take and who inspires you how old are you etc etc etc All the very best to you from Keith.