• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 24 Apr 2006
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Pepper, my boss.....

This is Pepper, he is my boss when he screams, I jump up and do his bidding. He loves to startle me and he talks a mile a minute in a storm. Love/hate relationship. Great bird though. Good venacular and talks very sensibly to me. And I answer. If you want a picture of him (for what reason I woundn't know) I'll send you one for one of yours. He told me to say that. His soooo manipulating. Love to all miguel

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Terry Harris 07 May 2006

So adorable! Looks like a CEO, watch out Donald Trump! You should teach him to say, "You're Fired!" He looks to demand results! Love him! He looks so healthy so I know he is well cared for and loved. They really show stress if not. Perhaps one day, I'll get a bird like him. FOr now, my oversized bossy cat, Spaz has the run of the house. Even the dogs back away when he marches by. Not one to be messed with. He holds grudges, and like an elephant, never forgets. My grandson will run in fear if he sees a gleam in his eyes. Paybacks for whacking him with a pool float noodle as a pre-schooler. Spaz is fat and old, but a grump. Love the old stinker. Those he choses to love, he loves fully, and also bosses like your Pepper.

Artist Reply: I should, you know I think that is an excellent idea. Teach the feathered rodent how to say you're fired. Perfect. This one isn't malicious unless you are near him. He loves to walk around the pool and strut his manly build and show off his feathers and rub his beak on the concrete. He is a hoot. An old guy like me needs a lttle bossing around. The real thing that is a wonder is you keep calling yourself a grandmother and I have seen your picture, is that your daughter standing in. You are so cute and young. I guess that's out in the public now. But it is true. I will thank the fine Doctor Pepper for you. He is a PHd in Macawism. love to you miguel

Sara Deutsch 06 May 2006

Yes, his bossy personality comes through beautifully! People are finally realizing how intelligent birds, especially parrots are...

Artist Reply: He answers the phone for me and warns me of nut stealing squirrils with the most uncanny shrill that sets my spine on edge. Good thing for undo on Photoshop. I will thank him for your compliment although he has a bad case of the big head. Have a glorious Sunday Sara and thanks for writing. miguel

joan warburton 05 May 2006

He is adorable! He looks like a red hot chili pepper!

Artist Reply: Joan, you can have him for a dollar, he's ornery and thinks I am his slave. But he does answer the phone. I will thank the ornery bird for you on his handsome demeanor, Joan, thank you for communicating with me. It means a lot to me. miguel

Renata Cavanaugh 25 Apr 2006

He is gorgeous!

Artist Reply: Renata, he ain't worth his weight in peanuts, that pepper and mango eating feathered rodent. I love him though. He just has to bite once in a while to let me know, he is after all in a sort of jail. I let him out to wander around the home which is like jungle and he has a two way coversation with himself when it storms. He loves it and since I don't speak Macawese he is talking to himself. He might be be getting in to the Klonpin. You know how addictive they get. Any way if he gets to smarty mouth, Youll find a box of feathers on your door step, wherever the hell that is. May best to you and those you love, I'll tell Dr. Pepper PhD that he has another female admirer. He is a lady magnet. miguel

Loredana 24 Apr 2006

He is fantastic Miguel i adore him Pepper can come live with me LOl Love it :)

Artist Reply: He'd probably love you.....Next time he bites me, he's coming air mail off the toe of my Nike. miguel